
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 9 April 1998


BiH delegation, led by President Izetbegovic went to Slovenia today. BiH delegation will meet with Slovenian President Kucan and Prime Minister Drnovsek in order to discuss the matters of DPA, political and economic bilateral relations, agreement on canceling double taxes, and debt of “Ljubljanska Banka” towards Sarajevo (280 million DEM).

BiH President Izetbegovic met with the BiH Central Bank Director, Nicholl. The main issue of the discussion was the liquidation of the BiH National Bank. – BiH Presidency decided on opening the procedure for BiH NB liquidation. Today’s session was not held, as explained by Krajisnik’s office, because of late notice. However, the accordance on liquidation was achieved.

BiH Council of Ministers held a session and accorded the text of memorandum that regulates BiH cooperation with the International Monetary Fund. As said by CoM Co-chairman Bosic, the text is going to the Board of Managers in Washington for verification. Implementation of the Law on CoM was also discussed as well as naming of ministers.

NATO Secretary-General, Solana made a statement in regard with recent arrests of Mladen Radic and Miroslav Kvocka and said this was another warning for indicted war criminals who are on the run. Solana also said that troops acted in accordance with their mandate and added that implementation of this mandate will continue.

French Le Monde published that Radovan Karadzic is currently resided in Belorus. Le Monde calls on its sources from the French intelligence, and adds that Karadzic is considering the modus for spontaneous surrender to the Hague Tribunal. The Daily Telegraph, however, calls on a source close to Karadzic and claims that he has never left the RS nor has any intention to do so. DT added that a private agency is providing Karadzic’s safety.

Organised group of Serbs attacked Bosniaks who came to visit cemeteries near Bosanski Novi yesterday. UNHCR spokeswoman Quentier severely condemned the attack and said that a group of about 500 Bosniaks was intercepted by a group of 50 Serbs, who threw stones at them and were wearing nationalists’ symbols and flags.

US Ambassador Kauzlarich met with head officials of the Herzegovina/Neretva Canton Internal Affairs Ministry. After the meeting, Kauzlarich said that police in this canton should be model for the rest of the Federation. The matter of refugee return was also discussed.

BiH Parliament Collegium decided to postpone the sessions of the HoR and HoP of the BiH Parliament, because the BiH Presidency still did not deliver draft Law on BiH Budget for this year. The sessions should discuss the Law on BiH Citizenship, the Law on BiH Flag and the Law on Foreign Investments.

BiH Presidency member Zubak met with the EU Ambassador to BiH, Chiarini discussing the role of the EU in reconstruction process in BiH, and significance of this process for refugee return.