King of Yordan, Hussein died after failed operation of bone marrow. Hussein arrived to Aman on the life support systems from US “Mayo” Clinic, and his airport was escorted with honors by two US fighters. Thus, Americans fulfilled Hussein’s last wish – to die in his country.
26 Kosovo Albanians were sentenced in the Pristina County Court to total of 287 years imprisonment. They were accused of membership in the Kosovo Liberation Army and terrorism. During the investigation, two of the arrested died of injuries. Negotiations of Yugoslav and Kosovo Albanians delegation begin tomorrow.
Croatian President Tudjman’s advisor for interior, Ivic Pasalic accused Bosniaks that during conflicts in Central Bosnia they committed about 30 crimes over Croats, which resulted with 1900 killed persons. Pasalic also said that Croats committed only two crimes over Bosniaks, and called the BiH Army the aggressor. Presidency member Izetbegovic’s advisor for foreign affairs Hajric said that Pasalic’s statements are rude interference in BiH internal matters, as Pasalic is Tudjman’s interior advisor.
NATO Commander for Europe, Clark arrived to “routine visit” to Mostar. Clark held a press conference and said that in the future period, the SFOR will take more engagement in minority return, and commented on posters which called SFOR occupation army. Clark said that people in Bosnia understand that SFOR troops are not here to occupy, but to assist the peace stabilisation and the DPA implementation.
Extraordinary session of Tuzla/Podrinje Canton held today, was also the opportunity to adopt the Declaration on Brcko, prepared by Parliamentary group, structured of all parliament parties. The main message of the declaration is that Brcko should be defined as a part of BiH Federation, and that justice and righteousness for Brcko would be a clear message of the International Community for persistent and complete DPA implementation.
Meeting of the joint inter-municipality commission Bugojno-Prozor Rama was held today in Bugojno. HR Senior Deputy Schumacher was also present at the meeting. At the meeting, Schumacher introduced to the attendees HR deputy for Bugojno and Prozor-Rama municipalities, Ulrich Bucher. Bucher’s task will be to assist in the DPA implementation by establishing closer contacts between the municipalities and the International Community.
The Draft Law on Federation Television was addressed to the parliamentary procedure. The HDZ delegates already announced they would not support the new law. High Representative deputy for the media, Haselock said that the situation about HRT re-broadcasting in BiH, as well as the issue of covering the whole Federation territory with the RTV BiH signal are to be solved soon. Haselock said it is necessary for BiH to have the state TV corporation with the state channels, but the Federal TV has to be established first so that it can make a co-operation agreement between TV anchors in the Federation and the RS.
Federation Ombudsmen addressed a special report to Federation Premier Bicakcic and his deputy Covic. The report is about violation of citizens’ rights in the procedure of purchasing apartments with residential rights.
RS premier Dodik today ends his visit to the USA. The US Administration did not hide their obvious support to Dodik, which could be seen in his discussions with US Special Envoy, and US Congressmen. Dodik obviously learned US manners; think positive – act optimistically. He was repeating like a mantra that Dayton Agreement ahs no alternative that the indictees have to go to The Hague, and refugees to their homes. However, when it comes to the issues of Dodik’s responsibility, he is always somewhere else. Asked what about the promises from the last year, such is return of 70.000 refugees, he said he has got “an ultra-nationalist, Poplasen, who is leading the RS and receives his directives from Seselj and the Belgrade regime.