- Two SFOR members visit building in Banja Luka where Plavsic lives
- SRNA reports one SFOR member tried to enter building of Biljana Plavsic, but was prevented by RS police, SFOR members explained they were looking for a friend living in same building
- Plavsic says SFOR apologized for misunderstanding in front of building in which she lives, RS police confirmed that SFOR members acted properly
- Barry present at Matthews’ farewell press conference in Mostar
- Group of 30 Chinese and 10 Turkish citizens arrested for trying to cross border in Orajse illegally
- BiH Presidency to discuss border police at session on Thursday
- RS Commission for Search for Missing Persons starts investigation of Kazani, near Sarajevo
- Commenting on Kazani investigation, Jasmin Odobasic member of State Commission, says, “RS Commission may unconsciously prove that statements of Serb politicians on thousands killed in Kazani were and are ordinary nonsense”
- Kerim Lucarevic publishes and promotes his book “Battle for Sarajevo” including war-times testimony
- Sarajevo Canton initiates arrangement of 11 Sehid and fallen soldiers cemeteries
- Bicakcic and Garib inform pensioners that pensions will be paid in usual rate, regardless of World Bank suggestion for decrease
- Velida Gacevic killed by her husband in Sarajevo settlement of Hrasno
- World news
- Kosovo news
- Approximately 2,000 RS demobilized soldiers protest in Banja Luka, demanding end to evictions
- Approximately 1,000 evictions expected in Tuzla this year
- Education Minister says Institute for Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage formed in 1985, belongs to Federal Ministry in formal sense, but functions at state level
- Culture
- Media Plan’s School for Journalism produces second generation of journalists
- Group of violent fans attacks TV BiH crew at soccer match in Visoko