- Federation Parliament House of Representatives discussed the Law on Amnesty, Federal RTV and intelligence service
- Delegation of the Council of Europe visited Council of Ministers
- Summit of the Stability Pact scheduled for July 30
- Organised return of Yugoslav refugees in BiH starts on July 15
Federation Parliament HoR is held a session in Sarajevo. Three main issues were the Law on Amnesty, the Law on Federal RTV and the Law on Intelligence Service. Changes of the Law on Amnesty were adopted after long discussion. The delegates also adopted the Law on Accordance of Judges’ salaries, and changes of the Law on Pension and Invalids Insurance. The Law on Federal RTV was still discussed by the time of newscast.
Delegation of the Council of Europe continued its visit to BiH. The CoE met with HR Westendorp behind the closed doors. Main issues of the meeting with CoM delegation were organisation of the CoM and the DPA implementation.
It was officially confirmed that the first Stability Pact summit would be held on July 30 in Sarajevo. RTV BiH brought statements of BiH officials (Mirza Hajric and Jadranko Prlic) as well as of Sarajevo hotel companies, and Sarajevo citizens.
Eleven carbonised bodies were found in a house in Kosovo, for which the KFOR forces suppose to have been killed and burned by Serbian forces. RTV BiH reporter also covered the meeting in New York on civilian implementation of the Kosovo Peace Plan.
RTV BiH dedicated the food in BiH to the “Dnevnik Themes”. After the madness with crazy cows, we also have poisoned chickens.
Croatian “peasants strike” was ceased yesterday late afternoon, as Croatian Premier Matesa promised payment of all state debts toward Croatian farmers.
Deadline for submitting property claims in Drvar municipality has been extended past July 4, as decided by High Representative Carlos Westendorp. The High Representative has made this decision in order to protect rights of persons who were unable to submit their requests, because the Drvar housing office was not working properly.