
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 28 January 1999


Bosniak returnees to Stolac municipality were attacked last night. Three women from Safro family and the neighbour who tried to protect them were beaten by two unidentified men. They all suffered minor injuries, and only one was kept in hospital.

IPTF Commissar, Monk made decision on three-month probation for all future employees of Stolac police forces, due to inadequate reactions to more than seventy incidents, which took place in this municipality last year, as well as due to inefficiency of the police in other areas of its work.

Posters, which call for uniting of Croats and Serbs against the International Community, appeared this morning in West Mostar. “Serb and Croat people, they started to kill us!” – reads the first paragraph of the proclamation, which also include photos of Croats indicted for war crimes. Accusing SFOR and Westendorp, the proclamation reads that SFOR has created a false peace and that Westendorp was elected the man of the year by those who chose this kind of peace. “This peace is unjust and cannot last long” reads the proclamation, which calls Serb and Croat people to announce SFOR occupation force. OHR spokesman from Mostar, Riley said that when all these different posters are put in the same context, the whole situation indicates that Croats have certain fears and concerns. It is clear that these fears have been manipulated, but I am sure everybody is aware that this manipulation is one of causes of war.

Posters of similar contents and identical intention appeared in Livno the same morning. The posters in Livno appeal on Croat citizens to sign the petition for future and survival of Croats, which is addressed to the world and Westendorp. Organisers of the petition are HVIDRA members, as well as other organisations of victims of war, and the purpose is a form of protest against various actions that Croat people in BiH cannot accept. The poster imposes several questions: Why was the Washington Agreement erased, which guaranteed confederate relations between BiH Croats and R Croatia; what is the cause for violent prosecution of Croat politicians and generals; why only Croats are being judged in the Hague, which imposes the paranoiac complex of guilt to Croat people; why the Croat language, culture and the right to have their own TV are being taken away; and why the state symbols and anthem are being imposed. OHR spokesperson Stiglmeyer said that a constructive dialogue requires somewhat nicer words, after all, but that OHR is ready to have the dialogue with Croats, despite of this. Stiglmeyer said that when it comes to confederate relations, for legal reasons one entity cannot have confederate relations with another country, for it does not have state characteristics. Stiglmeyer added that Dayton erased Washington because all signatories of the DPA agreed that the joint interest is to preserve BiH as unified state. In this regard, BiH as a unified state has to have joint symbols, one flag, one Coat of Arms and joint car registration plates, and not all of this tripled as it was so far. (BiH TV also brought Stiglmeyer’s statement on the issue.)

borders are the guidelines for resolving the problems we have with Croatia in Martinbrod. International Community representatives confirmed today that Croatian police are still controlling the checkpoint that they set in the area of Licka Kaldrma, which disabled the movements of joint patrols of IPTF and Una/Sana Canton police. IPTF spokesman, Roberts said that someone had to make decision on setting up this checkpoint and that this matter has to be solved urgently on the highest level of two states.

Yugoslavia… The negotiations continued today in Brussels and it will be interesting to hear assessments of the people from the RS and the Federation who represented BiH. BiH TV then carried a phone interview of BiH delegation in Brussels head, Fako, who said that there was no progress made at today’s negotiations, as only FRY representatives were pleased. Fako also said that negotiations at this point are leading nowhere and that the arbitration may be the only possibility to resolve these matters.

BiH Council of Ministers made decision on preparations for BiH entry to the European Union, and the decision on addressing the calls for beginning the negotiations on the first phase of relations with the European Union.

Meeting of Joint Military Commission and leaders of entity armed forces was aimed to discuss improving of relations between the entity armies. One of the items of the discussion was also the progress in the mine-cleansing process, as well as safety conditions in ammunition depots and big joint projects in which the entities can work together.

SFOR today commenced the action of returning the weapon ceased from HVO. According to SFOR spokesman, HVO equipment will be returned, because SFOR Commander is pleased with the intention of Bosnian Croats to act in accordance with instructions on appointment of generals.

Brcko Municipality Council members presented the reasons today why this town should not be in the RS. Brcko Municipality Governor Jusufovic said that unfulfilled tasks from Dayton and Additional Arbitration Decision as well as the present situation in the RS give enough arguments to show that Brcko should not be in the RS.