
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 26 March 1999


RTV BiH reporter from Brussels reported by phone that two FRY Military planes violated BiH air space, with intentions to attack SFOR ground targets in BiH. Both planes were taken down and their pilots were arrested and are kept in custody by SFOR.

  • US President Clinton and US Secretary of State Albright addressed directly to the Serb people
  • Brussels said that NATO actions will continue until achievement of the final political aim
  • A hand grenade thrown in Bijeljina – culprits discovered
  • Demonstrations in Banja Luka
  • Protesting against NATO strikes, Serb journalists in Brcko left Ambassador Farrand’s presser

RTV brought complete Clinton’s and Albright’s address to the Serb people, in which they appealed to the Serb people that NATO is not against them, but is trying to decrease Milosevic’s military power. Clinton also reminded of US-Serbian alliance in the World War Two and said. Among other things, that NATO is not an occupying force but intends to contribute to peace and stability in the region. With personal remembrance of her WWII refuge in Belgrade, US Secretary of State addressed to the Serb people in Serb language and said, among other things, that Milosevic deteriorated position of Serbia and its people in Europe and the world.

NATO Spokesperson from Brussels said that 64 planes from various countries took part in NATO actions, which confirms the NATO unity. It was also said that actions were successful and with no losses on the NATO side, while at least three Yugoslav MIGs 29 were shot down.

“Reuters” reported that Russia recommended NATO representatives in Moscow to leave the country and ceased all contacts with the alliance. Russian Minister Ivanov said that Russia will use all diplomatic and political means to stop NATO air raids over Serbian positions. Ivanov also added that Russia is soon to commence distribution of humanitarian aid to FRY.

RTV BiH reporter from Belgrade said that NATO missiles hit several targets in wider Belgrade area, including two city blocs [Vozdovac and Topcider.]

UNHCR confirmed information on massacre of about 20 Albanians in southwest Kosovo. Yugoslav Army also shelled two villages in northern Albania. According to British Defence Minister Robertson, Belgrade is planning a large-scale retaliation over Kosovo Albanians.

According to UNHCR data, about 60 buses from Sandzak (eastern Serbia) arrived to BiH in the past few days. The full number of Sandzak refugees is now about 5000.

OSCE Chairman Vollebaek ordered withdrawal of OSCE Mission from Macedonia. Russia also withdrawn its staff, saying, “the peace mission has no point anymore.”

Demonstrations in Banja Luka continued today. The protest meeting was held today against NATO raids, organised by the “Sloga” Coalition, and BiH Presidency Chairman, Radisic, RS Premier Dodik, and the “Sloga” President Plavsic also spoke at the meeting. Several thousand Banja Luka citizens were present at the meeting.

International organisations condemned violence at the anti-NATO protests in Banja Luka. The US Embassy in BiH demanded from the RS Police to take actions in order to protect facilities of the International Community in this part of BiH. UNHCR reduced the number of its representative in Banja Luka, and the OHR has taken additional security measures, but with no intention to close the office in this town.

An explosion hit Bijeljina last night. The hand grenade was thrown in the courtyard of former IPTF building. IPTF members were already left the building at that time. According to Bijeljina MUP, responsible persons were found and will be charged. Bijeljina students again held an anti-NATO protest today.

RTV BiH reporter from Brussels said that NATO spokesperson confirmed the takedown of two FRY Army planes at 17:15.

OSCE Mission Head Barry held a press conference and said that responsibility for cessation of NATO strikes is on the same man who caused this situation to occur at the first place – Slobodan Milosevic. Barry said that many officials in the RS acted responsible in the situation, but that there is a minority which spreads misinformation and supports terrorism against the International Community, trying to get advantage of the situation for their own aims. Barry also said that the most obvious are Vojislav Seselj, Nikola Poplasen and their followers and that Barry or the High Representative will not tolerate such attempts.

The High Representative and the IMC are deeply concerned about one-sided reporting of the SRT about NATO air raids, OHR spokesperson Stiglmayer said. RS Minister of information Vasic informed the SRT General Manager about the IMC decision to demand cessation of RTS re-broadcasting over the Trebevic transmitter.

Association of Journalists of the RS sent a letter to the IMC expressing their amazement by decision to cease re-broadcasting of RTS programmes for some TV houses. The Association sees the decision non-principle, for re-broadcasting of other TV stations is not prohibited.

Serbian journalists conveyed the protest letter to Brcko Supervisor Farrand, regarding the NATO strikes, and left Farrand’s press conference. Farrand said he can understand such decision for both the RS and the FRY leadership did nothing to provide accurate information on the events.