
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 25 January 1999


Bodies of five Kosovo Albanians, including two children were found in the lace of Rakovina, 70 Km from Pristina. OSCE Verification Mission spokesman said they were probably killed from automatic weapon.

22 persons were killed in a bus accident in Cairo, while 21 persons were injured.

Session of the RS Parliament Assembly commenced today. The only issue of the session was election of the Government and Government President. RS Designate Miljus publicly addressed, but there is not much to say about it, as Miljus was the most concrete in his dealing with Dodik, Radisic and Plavsic. Miljus also said his government would be consisted of experts, rather then political party members, that all problematic issues between the entities, such is Brcko, would be solved by compromise. Miljus also said his government would respect the RS and the DPA regulations. Miljus did not propose the names for the new government, but only said he needs more time, in order to carry out necessary consultations with the High Representatives. Peaceful demonstrations of Banja Luka citizens also took place during Miljus’ speech, as a couple hundred citizens gathered before the Assembly building. In the continuance of the session, Miljus proposed 11 ministers and three co-presidents, and left one co-presidential post for the CDU BiH candidate.

Executive Board of the Multiethnic Administration held a session in Brcko. The Board was discussing implementation of Ambassador Farrand’s orders to return apartments of Bosniak members of the Multiethnic Administration. It was concluded that results achieved so far are not satisfying as only two or three apartments were returned.

Autopsy and identification of 144 victims from the Hrastova Glavica mass grave near Sanski Most commenced today.

The RTV BiH made interviews with State Parliament HoR Chairman, Genjac, SDP President Lagumdzija and OHR spokesman James Ferguson regarding Proposal of the Law on Establishment Special Police Forces, and the Law on Establishment of Joint Customs Services on the state level. Genjac supported the Law on Customs Police as priority task for the session of the Parliament. Lagumdzija said that more than one billion DEM is being lost due to the lack of the Joint Customs Service, while Ferguson said that OHR would not comment these figures, but that OHR is concerned about this problem, and that borderline police is being established.

RTV BiH made an interview with HR Deputy for the Media, Simon Haselock regarding his meetings with “Erotel” representatives held in Mostar last week. Main subjects of these meetings were establishment of the Federal TV and cessation of illegal HRT re-broadcasting in BiH. Haseolck said that it depends on Croat media professionals what will they choose from all possibilities to contribute to formation of the Federal TV. Regarding the two national channels, Haselock said this is the issue that should be solved by journalists in the Federation, before the International Community do that. Haselock also added that HRT has to be removed from ground transmitters in BiH starting with the end of this month.

The Independent Media Commission refuted “Erotel” claims that there is no grounded economic and legal reasons for banning the HRT programme in BiH, and that this is only political pressure. IMC do not have the intention to issue the license for “Erotel” in the provisional period of establishing the Federal Television, for this is a media 76% financed by the government of another state, IMC representative said.