Sarajevo – At exactly midnight last night a deadline given to HRT to correct the errors made in covering the pre-election campaign in BiH expired. Whether OSCE is going to put sanctions on HRT for violating the PEC rules and regulations will be know on Thursday. Until this time additional monitoring of their broadcasts will be imposed, Tanja Domil, President of the Media Expert Commission, said in her announcement carried by BiH PRESS. We made it very clear to HRT that they have to comply with the laws and regulations of the PEC by making coverage available to all political parties and not only to the Croatian parties, Robert Barry, OSCE Head of Mission told the news.
Brcko – A recent decision of the RS Government to give to the displaced persons in Brcko over 2,275 free of charge locations for building houses has not only caused surprise, but also worried Bosniak representatives in the multi-ethnic administration in Brcko, as well as expelled Brckans. According to the urban regulations in RS it is clear that the granting of locations for building houses should be carried out by the multi-ethnic administration in Brcko i.e. the Municipal Assembly, and not the RS Government, an Assembly Deputy said. In this sense Ambassador Farrand has been requested to stop the RS Government making decisions on distributing building locations.
Sarajevo – During their meeting today with Haris Silajdzic, CoM Co-Chair, a delegation of the BiH Union for Refugees and DPS informed of returns violations in RS. The delegation said that according to the Co-ordinating Councils more than 10.000 Serb citizens registered their wish to return to their homes. Yet the RS authorities prevent those returns by offering refugees parcels to build up houses in Brcko. The delegation suggested the
necessity for common laws on these topics for the whole country.
Sarajevo – At the meeting of the Union of Refugees and DPs of BiH with ICG for BiH, which was attended by representatives of the Federation, RS and Croatia, the key topics were returns and voting at the forthcoming elections. Mirhunisa Komarica, Union President, informed journalists on the concrete numbers of the expelled and displaced persons in country and abroad. According to the reports out of 1,3 million refugees, 200.000 returned, but not to their homes, by 1997. ICG for BiH was headed by its President Chris Bennett who focused on the elections in BiH.
Klisa – Residents of Klisa – some 300 people, have been waiting in the tent settlements for 20 days to enter their villages and their own homes in Podrinje. A delegation of the settlement representing 1.500 pre-war citizens of the region met with Rasim Kadic, Minister of Welfare, Refugees and DPs in Zvornik and informed him about their return problems.
Zakrizje – Citizens of Croat nationality visited their devastated homes in the village of Zakrizje in the Mostar North region prior to their concrete return. The representatives of the IC and Mostar officials attended the visit. Ivan Prskalo, Mostar Deputy Mayor accentuated the need for help for the returnees.
Travnik – The second extraordinary Assembly of the Central Bosnian Canton convened today with the aim of discussing the Deputy Governor Ivica Saric’s allegations against Adnan Terzic, Canton Governor, to have misallocate the municipal money. Yet, even a four hour discussion yielded no results. It can be hoped that the CAFAO team, that will soon be coming to this region to check all budgets of the Canton, will have more success.
Zenica – All 140 workers of Zmajevac firm for production and trade of meat and meat products in Zenica, announced a general strike. Zmajevac has not been paying either their salary for 9 months, nor the contribution for pension and health care and its leadership literally ravaged the enterprise.
Sarajevo – Six years ago, on 25 August at 21,00 h the bombing began of the Town Hall in Sarajevo where the National and University Library was situated.