
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 22 July 1999


  • High Representative Westendorp to impose the Law on Federal RTV, OHR spokesman Fergusson said
  • Both houses of the BiH Parliament Assembly discussed the stability pact meeting
  • Federation Government approved 500.000 KM from the budget for organising the Stability Pact summit
  • Montenegrin Government delegation arrived in BiH
  • 200 Croat families returned to Gradacac municipality
  • Bosniaks return to Nevesinje Municipality
  • Serb families return to Celic

After the HoP failed to adopt the Law on federal TV, the High Representative will impose the version of the law closest to the one adopted at the Federation Forum session in May. Explaining the issues of property, OHR spokesperson Fergusson said that the Federation TV cannot be in rented offices, as the purpose of the TV is creating non-party television and that one or two channels that are going to be at that television cannot be property of any company that presently exists. This is a public corporation, which has to be a non-party corporation.


Both houses of the BiH Parliament Assembly held a session fully dedicated to the Stability Pact summit organisation.


HoP of the BiH Parliament Assembly held a session. The HoP passed the Law on BiH Civil Aviation and Agreement between Swiss Federal Council and CoM on regular air traffic between the two countries.

1’00” European Union delegation held a meeting with BiH Presidency members. Main issue of the meeting was organisation of the Stability Pact summit. EU delegates supported signing of the Agreement on Borderlines with Croatia, and efforts on organisation of the Stability Pact summit.


Session of the Stability Pact Summit Organisation Board was held in the afternoon. Board Chairman, Haris Silajdzic, refuted the claims that the summit might not be held due to lack of financial revenues. Silajdzic said that summit will be held on 29, and 30 of July, despite the difficulties.


Federation Government approved 500.000 marks from the budget for support to the Stability Pact organisation. The Government also discussed debts of the state toward the citizens.


Montenegrin Government delegation arrived to BiH. The delegation met with BiH Presidency member Izetbegovic and main issues of the meeting were economic co-operation and improvement of relations between BiH and Montenegro. RTV BiH also brought excerpts of interview with Montenegrin Government President, Vujanovic.


Bosniak National Council of Sanjak adopted the Declaration on Rights of Bosniaks to have political and national equality, and Memorandum on Sanjak Autonomy and Special Relations with BiH. The council claims that these decisions are made in order to protect national and cultural rights of Bosniaks in Sanjak.


25 Bosniak families returned to their demolished homes in Postoljani, Nevesinje municipality. The return went without problems, and the UNHCR, Herzegovina/Neretva Canton and the Danish Refugee Council offered first assistance to returnees.


Serb returns to the Celic municipality in TPK was intensified in the past several months. Tuzla Canton Government Celic municipality and regional office for refugee return.


About 200 Croat returns to Tamosnjica, near Gradacac will require assistance of donors, as the returnees will not be able to reconstruct their homes themselves, without announced assistance from international organisations.
