
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 22 July 1998


BiH Parliament Assembly HoP did not adopt the Law on Privatisation of Enterprises and Banks in BiH. RS representatives did not support the law. RS representatives said that matters of privatisation, in accordance with their interpretation of the Dayton, are completely in jurisdiction of entities, and that the law on the BiH level is unnecessary. OHR announced that HR condemned obstruction from the Serb representatives in the BiH HoP and decided to imposed the law which will become legislative immediately.

Meeting of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board began today in Brussels. The Steering Board will discuss the matters of political situation in BiH, economy and new currency issuance, privatisation process, refugee return, the Law on Ownership Relations, Sarajevo Declaration implementation and OHR budget.

Bosnian delegation, led by CoM Co-chairmen Silajdzic, Bosic and Tomic held a preparation meeting with the Paris Club of Creditors. The delegation will request the Paris Club to reduce BiH debt for 85%. RS Prime Minister Dodik also arrived to Paris, but will not take part at the meeting with Paris Club, Dodik’s cabinet announced.

BiH Presidency member Zubak and Croatian FA Minister Granic visited USA today. The Secretary of State, Albright received Granic, while meeting with Zubak is scheduled for Friday. Granic and Zubak will also meet with US Special Envoy for Balkans, Gelbard. Granic said that Croatia is supporting DPA and strongly stands against any revisions, especially those in regard with education and army.

Situation in Kosovo remains difficult. Fighting over the town of Orahovac are taking place for several days already. Albanian sources reported that Serbian forces entered the town have committed horrible massacre over civilian population, and that the town looks like Srebrenica. OSCE delegation chief in Belgrade said there was no progress in negotiations and that FRY is conditioning OSCE mission by FRY re-entry to OSCE.

Federation Government held a meeting chaired by Federation Prime Minister Bicakic. The main subject of the meeting was implementation on Pensions-Invalids Law in the Federation, and measures for stabilisation of PI Fund. Priority tasks are preparation of regulations for debts toward pensioners and unification of current two pension funds into one pension fund on the level of the BiH Federation

Federation Minister for refugees, Kadic held a press conference and reported on refugee return to the Federation. Kadic said that 40.000 people returned to the Federation in the first half of this year from Western Europe countries.

Federation ombudspersons said that the deadline for applying for return should be prolonged from six months to one year. Federation ombudspersons stated the reasons for difficulties in return process and asked from the Federation for more efficient administrative procedure.

Mostar municipalities Stari Grad, North, and Southeast adopted the declaration on announcing these municipalities open for return. Mostar Mayor Orucevic congratulated local authorities and stressed that Mostar is the town of all its citizens, Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats.

OHR regional RRTF office held a meeting in Zenica with international and local agencies and organisations. Main subject of the meeting was Annex 7 implementation, and presentation of the UNHCR data on return to ZE-DO, Central-Bosnian, and Livno canton and to Herzegovina.