- Leutar condition improving – head of medical team in Kosevo hospital
- US State Department condemns attack on Leutar
- Government postpones Wednesday’s session, as does Parliament for Friday session due to assassination attempt on Leutar
- Jelavic statement
- SDA holds extraordinary session
- HDZ strongly condemns attack on Leutar
- Announcement from HDZ information office
- HDZ club of representatives strongly condemns attack on Leutar, one in series of attack on Croats and BiH
- Party for BiH holds press conference
- BiH SDP asks Chairmen of both Parliamentary houses and National Assembly to schedule extraordinary session to address terrorism
- Bishop’s Conference on Peace and Justice condemns attack on Croats, calls on positive forces in BiH to raise voices against terrorism and violence
- Car bomb consequence of circumstances in police and legal system, since they became means of regime protection instead of ensuring democracy and judicial procedure – BiH Democratic National Union
- Worst form of post-Dayton political terrorism, Jelavic should be relieved of his duty as member of BiH Presidency – BOSS on Jelavic statement
- Croatian SDA considers Leutar attack directly aimed against establishment of trust between Bosniaks and Croats and unitary BiH
- HSLS (Croat Social Democratic Union) says terrorist attack designed to bring mistrust between BiH peoples
- HKDU appeals to all Croat officials to place moratorium on their duties and organize plebiscite
- Association of war invalids condemn attack on Leutar and demand urgent investigation
- Serb Civic Council says question of responsibility ought to be raised with highest authority in BiH state security bodies
- Matica Hrvatska in Sarajevo condemns cowardly crime, express concern for security of Croat officials and citizens
- HVIDRA condemns bomb attack, additional proof of their claim Croats cannot survive in this federation
- Turkish Ambassador to BiH condemns attack on Leutar
- Terrorist attack on Leutar big blow to Dayton and Washington Agreements – Granic
- International humanist league condemns attack on Leutar
- Interior Ministry appeals to citizens to come forward with information on car bombing
- IC and HN Canton Deputy Governor on crisis in joint police
- 30 Croat police cars drive through west Mostar in protest of attack on Leutar
- Three brothers found murdered in Tomoc, 30 km west of Pristina
- Heavy shelling in Cucarica, Vucitrn municipality, KLA offensive kills 4 Serb soldiers on Tuesday and 2 on Wednesday
- 30,000 Yugoslav soldiers reported near border with Macedonia
- Head of Finnish pathologists team Helena Renta says crime against humanity was committed in Racak
- Paris peace negotiations have not secured full signature of peace agreement
- Bicakcic and World Bank representative Rory O’Sullivan discuss problems with repayment of farm credits
- Slovenian Government donates $2,600 worth of equipment to Zenica coal mine
- 200 people missing from Orasac in ’92, Cantonal expert team begins search in mass exhumation
- Gabrielle Kirk McDonald announces she will leave ICTY after completion of current case load
- 300 returnees to Klisa ask for further help in rebuilding their homes
SDA Presidency holds extraordinary session on Jelavic statement
The SDA Presidency held an extraordinary session to discuss Tuesday’s statement by BiH Presidency Member Ante Jelavic that the highest political leadership of the Muslim-Bosniak people is behind the attack on Jozo Leutar, and determined that this statement was designed to provoke conflict. The SDA Presidency said it was “reminiscent of a similar war invoking provocations by Croat extremists during the destruction of Mostar’s Old Bridge. If Jelavic has any evidence, he needs to present it. If this is not the case, then this behavior is thoughtless and irresponsible with far reaching consequences.” This is why they are surprised by the silence of the International Community, since the undermining of hard-earned peace is occurring before their eyes.
HDZ condemns attack on Jozo Leutar
“The HDZ strongly condemns the attack on Jozo Leutar as it does all other attacks against Croats in BiH” the party said in a statement on Wednesday. The HDZ BiH demands an investigation into this and all other assassinations in BiH. They demand an urgent and complete investigation, detection and punishment for all perpetrators and those who authorized this and other actions as well as those who attack all that is Croat. A request was made to BiH Parliament to urgently send all information on actions taken to find the perpetrators.
Announcement from HDZ information office
The HDZ information office states that the reaction of Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency Alija Izetbegovic, regarding the attack on Jozo Leutar, further provokes the terrorist actions which have been so frequent lately. This is bringing Dayton back to the beginning, the party stated. “Izetbegovic is, by canceling the meeting with Ante Jelavic, intentionally forgetting that the attack on Leutar is a premeditated political assassination on a top-ranking Croat official. First and foremost this is an attack on the joint institutions of all three constitutive nations and against Dayton BiH” the statement says.
Party for BiH press conference
The Party for BiH sees the attack on Jozo Leutar as the action of those who are against BiH. “An investigation by supervising bodies, aided by the IC, must reveal the perpetrators and persons who authorized this appalling action. It questions that which has been achieved in Dayton implementation so far” said Safet Halilovic. The attack on Leutar must not be characterized as a political terrorist action until an investigation officially confirms so. All speculations and accusation of the Bosniak leadership may have a negative influence on Croat-Bosniak relations. The Party for BiH demands an urgent session of Parliament where all authorized personnel are to submit their report on investigations made so far into the terrorist actions in BiH.
IC and HN Canton Deputy Governor on crisis in joint police
The International Community condemned the terrorist action against Jozo Leutar at a press conference on Wednesday. “The High Representative calls on all competent authorities to take aggressive action to identify, arrest and prosecute those responsible for this violent crime” OHR spokesperson Chris Riley stated. IPTF spokesperson Douglas Coffman said that the IPTF appointed a team of experts to work on this case. Following news of the attack, Croat policemen left their stations in Mostar municipalities with Bosniak majorities, in Jablanica, Konjic and the cantonal police headquarters, said Coffman. HN Canton Deputy Governor Sefkija Dziho was asked to comment, and said, “unfortunately, the situation is becoming further complicated. Bosniak policemen are denied hospitality in Neum and Capljina and if this persists, what will happen is that there will be no Bosniak policemen in Croat majority municipalities and vice versa. This threatens the existence of the joint police force.” For Sefkija, it is also worrying how he has not yet managed to arrange contact with Cantonal Minister of Internal Affairs Dragan Mandic in order to solve the current problems as soon as possible.