17 February 98, 19:30
BiH Presidency session was held in Sarajevo today. The Presidency adopted BiH Foreign Affairs platform and named 33 BiH ambassadors world-wide. The future ambassadors assembled in Sarajevo due to the 10-days course for their future posts, organised by BiH FA Ministry. The Presidency also discussed establishment of diplomatic relations with FRY, dual citizenship between BiH and FRY, as well as establishment of Croatian Consular Section in Banja Luka.
European NATO Commander, Gen. Clark visited BiH today. BiH President Izetbegovic met with Clark and SFOR Commander Gen. Shinseki, discussing the matters of SFOR’s support in refugee return program. Federation President Ganic also received Clark’s visit. The items on agenda were the situation in BiH, refugee return to Mostar and Stolac and status of Brcko.
BiH Prime Minister Bicakcic met with the US Ambassador Kauzlarich, discussing the matters of BiH situation and privatisation law preparations.
The Metal Workers Syndicate organised one hour warning strike. The strike was organised because the BiH Federation failed to fulfil workers’ demands determined at negotiations in November last year. The syndicate also announced the possibility of general strike if their demands remain idle.
HR deputy Klein visited Brcko and Bijeljina in order to discuss the DPA implementation with the local authorities. Klein also visited the residents of the separation zone in Brcko and said that the fact that Bosniaks and Serbs are living together here is a remarkable step in the work of Ambassador Farrand and his team. Klein also said that these people are those who pay the price for what was done by the stupidity of their leadership. Klein also said that multi-ethnic authorities in Brcko have achieved a huge progress and will have full support.
BiH Chamber of Commerce held a round table session discussing the matters of the foreign investments policy, proposed by the World Bank, Law on Foreign Investments, proposed by the SDP President Lagumdzija, and the current Law on Foreign Investments.
The President of the BiH State Commission for Missing Persons, Masovic addressed a letter to OHR which says: If you really want to help, than try to find some governments in the World that are ready to offer financial revenues for enlargement of exhumation teams, engagement of foreign forensics, repair and building of cemeteries etc. Masovic also said that the main aim of the Commission is exhumation and identification of victims and there are people who are trying to disable the Commission in doing so, who are trying to equalise the victim and the criminal and to rename the aggression into civil war.
UN spokesman Ivanko said that ICTY needs increased number of judges in order to speed the trials. ICTY President, Kirk-McDonald also expressed the necessity for naming four more judges. Two Bosnian Serbs, Tadic and Simic, that surrendered last week testified for the first time and plead not guilty for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
HR deputy Schumacher addressed a letter to the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the Federation and the RS, as well as to the Minister of Civilian Affairs and Communications in CoM, in which he demands immediate cease of administrative taxes for the new registration plates (for the amount of 50 – 120 DEM), saying this is opposite the Bonn agreement, and the Memorandum of Understanding. Schumacher said that he does not want the first step in the freedom of movement become a source of profit for MUP. Schumacher recommended the ministers to instruct the police commanders in order to cease such practice and act in accordance with signed agreements.