
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 1 April 1999


  • Yugoslav authorities captured three US soldiers from NATO mission in Macedonia. NATO Secretary General Solana, General Clark and UK FA Minister Cook said FRY President Milosevic directly responsible for the fate of US soldiers
  • NATO continued intensified air attack on targets in Yugoslavia
  • Serbian forces continue to drive out Kosovo Albanians
  • Montenegro at the edge of humanitarian disaster
  • Largest number of Kosovo refugees are arriving to Albania and Macedonia

Yugoslav authorities captured three US soldiers from NATO mission in Macedonia. NATO commander for Europe, General Clark said that air-raids will continue systematically, step-by-step, and day after day, due to continuous actions of ethnic cleansing, threat to the regional stability, attempts of causing instability in neighbouring countries, and further danger of humanitarian disaster. Clark said that “the operation would last and be as painful as Milosevic wants it to be.”

Kosovo Albanians leader Rugova met with FRY President Milosevic in Belgrade. Milosevic and Rugova “jointly estimated the necessity of peaceful solution to the Kosovo crisis.” Yugoslav television covered this meeting, followed by a short announcement that “there is joint orientation toward a political process, and that problems may be solved only in political manner.” RTS also published Rugova’s statement from Wednesday where he said that the Serbian police are protecting him in his house in Pristina. No further details from the meeting were published.

Vatican official delegation held a meeting with Serbian President Milutinovic, Serb Patriarch Pavle and Milosevic. Vatican delegation head, FA Minister, Monsignor Torraine said that Vatican severely condemns the military intervention and supported the truce during the Easter holidays.

Serbian television brought footage about three captured US soldiers. Yugoslav Army Pristina Corps informative service announced that three soldiers were captured on the FRY territory. Officers James Stone and Andrew Ramirez and soldier Steven Gonzales are members of reconnaissance squad of American division, based in Germany. It was said that US soldiers resisted the arrest.

Macedonian Government held a press conference and said that more than 36.000 refugees have arrived to Macedonia from FRY, and that there are about 12.000 refugees at the borders with FRY. Unlike this official data, it was said that entire figure of refugees is probably larger, for not everyone has been registered.

Russia announced sending of seven ships of the Black Sea Fleet to Mediterranean, for “supervision of the Kosovo crisis.” Russian ships include one cruiser, two anti-submarines ships and one ship with reconnaissance equipment. The FA Ministry said that Turkey, who is also a member of NATO, cannot and must not ban Russian ships to go through Bosphor and Dardanele canals.

Conference on the Balkans was held today in Bonn. Main issue of the conference was stability in the Balkans Peninsula and problem of Kosovar refugees accommodation. German FA Minister Fischer said that it would be absolutely wrong move to evacuate refugees to western countries. He added that the neighbouring countries must be animated to offer all possible assistance and to accommodate refugees in such manner that they can be returned to their homes as soon as possible.

US Ambassador Kauzlarich held a press conference in Sarajevo. Main issues of the conference were situation in the region, the Kosovo crisis, and BiH. Kauzlarich said that USA will intensify the Dayton Peace Implementation due to high influence of the Kosovo crisis on BiH, especially the RS.

International Organisations from Una/Sana Canton and Banja Luka region held a presser in Bihac. OHR and OSCE representatives expressed their regrets on the death of MUP Vice Minister Leutar. OHR representative, Palme said that OHR representatives will not leave the RS whatsoever or decrease their activities in this area.

BiH Presidency Chairman Radisic addressed a letter to UN Secretary General Annan on the crisis in Kosovo and said that every attempt to include BiH in the Kosovo conflicts may result in destabilising political and security situation in BiH, and destroy all political efforts in this area achieved in DPA implementation.

HR deputy for the media Haselock said that the OHR is attempting to encourage all political leaders in BiH to override the blockade of the joint institutions. Haselock said that the Office will decide what actions to take if the joint institutions work is not re-established, and reminded of HR authority from Bonn and Madrid that he may replace all non-co-operative officials.