09 November 97, 19:30
Mostar – Exactly four years ago today, on 9 November , The Old Bridge in Mostar was destroyed and became a disgrace for those who did it as well as for those who calmly watched this barbarous act. This date was marked by memorial throwing of flowers into the river Neretva. The historical facts on the bridge, its building in 1566, interesting existence and distructionin the year 1993 by the HVO extremists, were described very poetically in a lengthy piece. It ended with the rhymes which the Italian poet Ugo Poscola devoted to the Old Bridge in his poetry.
Prijedor – Around 30 residents from Prijedor acting in the name of 50.000 of their fellow townsmen scattered over 29 states in the world, visited their town on Saturday, first time for the six years. Even the unsuccessful attempt to constitute the Municipality Assembly did not discourage them. On contrary, they believe that it is still a step forward in creating conditions for their return. Their deputies promise to come ten times daily if necessary to show their wish to find a compromise for common life here. Footage of the residents happy to be in their town. The door for the Prijedor residents return to their town have been slightly opened, a presenter said.
Sarajevo – Haris Silajdzic, BiH CoM Co-Chair without a special direct reason commented on the IC’s very serious deviations in the DPA implementation concerning its” spirit and word”. We have to find a way, especially now, just before the meeting in Bonn, to correct the path on which the DPA is going ahead in a moment. It concerns especially some legal suggestions coming out of the OHR, which directly influence not only the faith of the DPA implementation, but the BiH itself. As an example Silajdzic cited the problems in which the entities and not BiH are being treated as an unique states: Law on restitution, Law on privatisation, two entity Constitutions which have not been harmonised with the Dayton Constitution and due to that the BiH citizens have not equal rights in all parts of BiH, etc. Commenting on the HR’s promise to punish the uncooperative sides, Silajdzic said that it would be very important that the IC transfer its mandate from the promises into acts.
New York – The BiH TV N.Y. correspondent described the U.S. President Clinton’s dilemmas relating the consultation with Congress on extending the U.S. presence in BiH. It was pointed out that 7,5 billion dollars have been spent so far in this issue. The Robert Gelbard’s 13th visit to BiH was also mentioned in a report. Commenting on the Congress’ remarks that U.S. has no clear political aim in BiH, Gelbard said that the DPA was a Bible for him and the U.S. must finish that what it has started in BiH. As the U.S. priorities here, there were mentioned a few already well known points: The RS elections, local election results implementation, reconstruction of the media space, fight against the corruption and organised crime ,etc.
Sarajevo – In a comment on the Special ties between Croatia and BiH, it was said that not only bearers of the ties, but the content of the suggested document were controversial. There follows details of comments by the BiH leaders and the HR Carlos Westendorp relating to the Special ties. We heard Prlic saying that it is not important with whom the ties would be agreed but that they are agreed at all and Tomic that the Agreement treats not only Harbour Ploce, but all Croatian harbours.