
OHR BiH TV News Summary, 07 Dec. 1997


07 December 97, 19:30

Riad – BiH President Izetbegovic was named for Honorary Dr. Sci. by the Riad University. Izetbegovic addressed to the public with the following: We do not have neither right nor reason to look at the future with pessimism. We in Bosnia would not like to say that the aggression on us was a punishment from God. There was sin, ignorance and erring, but also a great desire for freedom. God awarded this desire. We believe that only strong nations have the great temptations. The strong nations are those who, keeping up with the moral principles, remain faithful to themselves, and simultaneously open to the World.

Sarajevo – Regarding the Bonn conference, CoM Co-chairman Silajdzic said that we expect changes of the documents that should be adopted in Bonn, because we do not wish to co-operate in the division of BiH. If the laws on privatisation, restitution and ownership relations are reduced to the level of the entities, then the entities will become the successors of the property, and not the State of BiH, which is the opposite from Dayton. Dr. Begic said that there are only three laws on the level of the state; the Law on Customs, the Law on Export Trade, and the Law on Foreign Debts. Begic stressed that all other laws are supposed to be adopted by the entities, and if that happens, BiH will not even be on the level of a union. The consequence would be the succession of BiH. Silajdzic stressed that the OHR still insists on the entity laws regarding the return of refugees, and added that Annex 7 clearly covers the State of BiH as the guarantee of human rights which means that entities cannot have the role of the state.

Flash news – BiH President Izetbegovic will join the BiH delegation tomorrow in Bonn at the session of PIC.

AP reports that two delegations of Bosnian Serbs (Eastern and Western) are travelling in Bonn with two separate planes.

BiH Parliament HoR President Campara announced the next HoR session for December 8, if he receives a confirmation from the OHR that the Serb representatives will attend the session. The session would discuss the Law on CoM, and if the RS representatives are ready, the laws on citizenship and passports would also be discussed.

SDP President Lagumdzija addressed a letter to the Presidency and the CoM, demanding an urgent Parliament session on Monday. Lagumdzija proposed to the Presidency and CoM to accord the documents that would be the basis for the ethnic platforms at the meeting in Bonn. The fact that your obstructions were the cause for blockade of the Parliament work obliges you to do something within the next 48 hours. Otherwise, it will be you who will take the responsibility for all the negative effects of the Bonn conference.

The preliminary results of the RS elections show that the SDS has won majority of votes (24 seats), followed by the Coalition for Democratic and Unified BiH (16 seats), Plavsicąs SNS (15 seats), and the Radicals (15 seats). The Socialist Party of RS won 9 seats, SDP 2 seats, the SNS Federation 2 seats, which equals to 83, the full number of seats in the RS Parliament.

Bosanski Petrovac – In the current Serb governed town of Bosanski Petrovac, the CDU and the Coalition Homeland won the municipality elections, but there is still no agreement with local authorities, which opens the possibility of international sanctions.

Zavidovici – The Embassy of Local Democracy organised a two-months seminar called The School of Citizensą Democracy, which is discussing the role of international organisations in BiH. The representatives of OSCE, the European Council, the European Observers, and ICG also contributed to the seminar. It was concluded that the international organisations are in BiH in order to help the local people overcoming the period of crisis. ICG chief Bennet said that he hopes the IO will be here until further notice, but also expressed his hope that it does not mean for a long time.