
OHR BiH Media Round-up, 6/7/2006


The OHR Media Monitoring service is being improved. As of 3 July we will be offering you two distinct daily reports; the Morning Brief, covering all BiH’s top stories and the afternoon BiH Media Round-up, containing the latest agency and radio news, summaries of relevant articles published by the international media and summaries of articles published by BiH’s periodicals.



TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

No news broadcast due to strike

HR appoints Nicholl as ITA SB Chair

Audit reports on state institutions


CoM session

HR appoints Nicholl as ITA SB Chair


Exhumation in Kamenica Donja

Decision on BiH mil. forces passed


Trial to Krajisnik

BiH CoM in session


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

New ITA SB Chair appointed

HR appoints Nicholl as ITA SB Chair

Decision re BIH Arm. Forces adopted

Cavic on Law on rights/duties of MPs

RS NA on ‘Telekom Srpske’

HR appoints Nicholl as ITA SB Chair

FBIH HoR in session

BiH savers on their savings

PRD Steering Board session

CoM in session

FBiH HoR in session

BIH HoR finance commission session



OHR choses Peter Nicholl for new Chair of [ITA] Steering Board

Dnevni Avaz

Peter Nicholl instead of Joly Dixon [OHR decision on ITA SB]

Dnevni List

“Today successful women in high heels” (local story)

Vecernji List

“Bank should be sold to Varazdin or liquidated” (Robinson on Hercegovacka bank)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Football related

Nezavisne Novine

Peter Nicholl replaced Joly Dixon

Glas Srpske

Unbreakable wall of silence


They distributed stale chicken to citizens (BiH Association of farmers distributed food with expired date to B. Luka citizens over last two days)

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related splash


Economic issues

HR appoints Peter Nicholl to position of Chair of ITA’s Steering Board













PINK by Aida Hasanbegovic – The High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, appointed former Governor of the BiH Central Bank, Peter Nicholl, to the position of the Chair of the Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA] Steering Board after mandate of now former ITA SB Chair, Joly Dixon, expired. The HR refused to relate any political connotations to Nicholl’s appointment: “I feel that Peter Nicholl is a person that without any doubt meets all necessary requirements to over take the position of ITA’s SB Chair.” Hayat – Reminding the Dixon’s mandate expired last week, the HR said: “As all of you already know, I prefer to find local solutions whenever possible, or at least to work towards a transition to local ownership. This is the reason why I have asked… Nicholl to take over as ITA Chairman until the end of the year. He is both citizen of New Zealand and BiH.BHT1 – Even though Dixon was under the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik’s pressure [namely, Dodik filed charges against Dixon for damaging the RS for 40 millions KM], HR claims that the replacement has no political background: “All of us are able to see that the RS receives more money due to good VAT implementation… Activities undertaken against Dixon are nonsense.FTV – HR finds lawsuit filed by the RS against Dixon nonsense, saying that, being a politically motivated attack, it had to stop. RTRS – Asked whether a decision to appoint Nicholl means Dodik was right to demand dismissal of Dixon, HR answered that he is in favour of impartial experts making decisions that would be fair for all. HR also stated that Dixon’s work was very successful. Dnevni List, pg 2, mentioned on front ‘Peter Nicholl replaces Dixon’, by D. P. Mandic, Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Peter Nicholl replaced Joly Dixon’, pg 3 ‘Peter Nicholl as new Chair’ by R.Cengic, EuroBlic pg RS7 ‘Nicholl instead of Dixon’ by D. Stanisic, Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘OHR chose Peter Nicholl for new Chair of [ITA] Steering Board’ by A.Omeragic, Dnevni Avaz cover splash, pg 2 ‘Peter Nicholl instead of Joly Dixon’ by S.Numanovic – also covered.

CoM Chair Terzic on ITA SB Chair: ‘I am terribly disappointed with Schwarz-Schilling’s move’


Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘I am terribly disappointed with Schwarz-Schilling’s move’ byS.N.– Commenting the decision of the HR Christian Schwarz- Schilling to appoint former Governor of BiH Central Bank Peter Nicholl to the position of the ITA Steering Board Chair, the Chair of the BiH Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic said he is “terribly disappointed with the way the HR and the IC appointed Peter Nicholl.” Emphasizing he respects Nicholl’s work, Terzic nevertheless commented: “The HR said he would not work as his predecessor Paddy Ashdown. When pressure needs to be made because of police reform and/or other reform, he says he would not deal with that and that BiH authorities have to take the responsibility. And then he makes a move that Ashdown never had.” Terzic reiterates that CoM has extended the mandate of the now outgoing ITA Steering Board Chair, Joly Dixon, for another year, adding that procedure was carried out by OHR, because the Law says a foreigner has to be on that function for five years “Schwarz-Schilling violated that Law, because Nicholl is BiH citizen,” said Terzic. Stressing this decision was carried out “without principles”, CoM Chair says: “It is obvious with whom the HR has consulted with; with RS PM Milorad Dodik. This is a compromise the IC has made with Dodik. By doing so it encouraged him to continue with destroying of the system that was established so far.” Stressing he is certain this decision was in contradiction with the opinion of the European Commission, Terzic said: “That is very bad for this country. Its future is in good cooperation with the EC, not the OHR.”  Oslobodjenje cover splash, pgs 4-5 ‘OHR chose Peter Nicholl for new Chair of [ITA] Steering Board’ by A.Omeragic, inset ‘Schilling gave in under Dodik’s presure’ by Az.K.– Terzic stressed that Schwarz-Schilling “has gave in under pressure of RS PM Dodik, especially in the moment when RS PM is demolishing the system of single account in all ways”. Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Peter Nicholl replaced Joly Dixon’, pg 3 ‘Peter Nicholl as new Chair’ inset ‘Adnan Terzic disappointed’ – carried similar statements.

VL: By making decision, HR makes concession to RS PM Dodik


Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘P. Nicholl trusted with control of taxation’, by D. Ja. – Reporting on the appointment, VL comments that the HR Christian Schwarz Schilling’s move to appoint Peter Nicholl could be taken as a concession to the RS PM Milorad Dodik, since he had been insisting for months that Dixon should leave. VL also says that by appointing Nicholl, the HR is making his contribution towards reaching final agreement on way of allocation of public revenues and unblocking of single account.

HR urges Fiscal Council and authorities on all level to reach agreement on allocation of public revenues


Hayat by Lejla Gutlic – The High Representative to Christian Schwarz-Schilling has sent a letter to BIH Fiscal Council, all three Prime Ministers and three Finance Ministers urging them to reach an agreement on both distribution of public revenues in 2006 and new methodology to be applied as of January 2007. The issue of allocating public revenues gathered through taxes at the single ITA account has been pending for last six months. HR stated: “Fiscal Council should come op with a way to solve this issue, something I haven’t seen so far. The RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik hasn’t attended the session of Fiscal Council on Monday, which was the reason to criticize the work of the Council as a body that failed to satisfy the needs of its country.”Presenter noted that following the failure of ITA Steering Board to reach the agreement on the coefficients for distribution of revenues from the Single Account, HR only verbally made pressure on the Fiscal Council during the meeting in the OHR on Wednesday. FTV by Azra Pasukan – Allocation of VAT revenues presents a serious problem which has to be solved by professionals in impartial manner, said HR added: “The Fiscal Council has to determine the way in which the issue is going to be solved…the Council failed to do its job and it deserves to be criticized.” PINK, BHT1 – also covered.

New ITA SB Chair Nicholl on blockade of allocation of ITA single account


BHT1 by Sanita Lisica – Commenting blockade of allocation of Indirect Taxation Administration [ITA] single account, new ITA Steering Board Chair Peter Nicholl deems straightforward solution is impossible adding that law is something that can be changed: “You have to operate within the law, but the law has to be changed if the experience proves that it is better to do that.” Hayat by Lejla Gutlic – “I still do not have any stands regarding the solution of the current situation. I believe that one correct formula doesn’t exist but instead there are several different options that would help in reaching the solution fair for all involved sides.Gutlic noted that while no signs for possible solution are given, some of BIH municipalities (like Bosansko Grahovo and Tuzla) are facing financial collapse because of the current situation. FTV by Azra Pasukan – The BiH ITA SB expects the Fiscal Council to decide on coefficients; due to the fact that no agreement has been reached, the account has been blocked. The RS representatives keep insisting on fixed coefficient, which opposes the law, while Nicholl says that any law could be changed if necessary. “The law should not be violated…but laws can be changed if necessary. There are several different options but there is no final solution which would suit everyone”, said Nicholl who would perform this duty in the next 7 months.

Entity ministers to preserve their stances regarding allocation from ITA single account


BHT1 by Sanita Lisica – Entity Finance Ministers expect the issue of allocation to finally be solved now as the new ITA SB Chair Peter Nicholl was appointed, stressing that they are going to insist on their stances. “We are still assured that the existing system is unreliable…we are going to insist on fixed coefficients”, said the RS Finance Minister, Aleksandar Dzombic. “FBiH losses nothing by blockade in the single account; there is no allocation and the money that should be allocated waits for decision on coefficients. FBiH would face losses in terms of accepting proposed fixed coefficients”, said the FBiH Finance Minister, Dragan Vrankic. Nezavisne Novine cover pg splash ‘Peter Nicholl replaced Joly Dixon’, pg 3 ‘Peter Nicholl as new Chair’ inset ‘Dzombic expects fast solution on revenues distribution’ – Dzombic noted RS will keep pointing at unreliability of the existing system and disability to control and get certain coefficients that do not reflect final consumption. RTRS – also carries Dzombic.

BiH Audit Office for state institutions shows ITA SB divided money from single account beyond law


Nezavisne Novine pg 2, announced on cover ‘Money from VAT was divided beyond Law’ by N.Krsman – Daily reports referring to Report (of BiH Office for Audit at State Institutions) on dealings of the ITA SB in 2005, saying that the money from the VAT, until 31 May 2006, was divided according fixed coefficients, beyond legal regulations., although no consensus has been reached on it at ITA SB.  Auditors gave recommendations to ITA SB in order to avoid brining efficient functioning of money distribution into question.

RS NA adopts special privatisation program for RS Telecom


RTRS by Momcilo Ostojic – The RS National Assembly adopted special privatisation program for the RS Telecom. RS Minister of Traffic and Communications, Nedeljko Cubrilovic, stated that all offers worth less than 400 million euros would be unacceptable. Cubrilovic also stated the RS Government would propose an expenditure plan gained by this privatisation. Reporter comments this plan was what of the biggest interest to the RSNA deputies as well as setting of lowest RS Telecom value. Radivoje Trbic from DEPOS feels money to be earned should be used to service internal debt, reform of pension-disability insurance fund and development of the RS economy. RSNA adopted proposal made by SDS deputy Borislav Bojic who said expenditure plan should be submitted to the Assembly 30 days after sale of the operator. The SRS Milanko Mihaljica opposes the sale feeling it’s aim is to cover up for the years of crimes committed in the company. Tarik Sadovic from SDA said a decision on sale of RS Telecom was made in certain centres of political power thus making the RS NA decision a pure formality. PINK – Privatisation program provides for privatisation of 65% of state capital in RS Telecom through international tender with variable conditions. RSNA deputies failed to set lowest sale price. Reporter explains that if such price was determined and if one company proposes a lower one it could cancel tender thus delaying entire procedure to even further. The RS Finance Minister Aleksandar Dzombic stressed that the Government can always turn down an offer if it considers it too low. Nezavisne Novine pg 5, announced on cover ‘Decision on sale of “Telekom Srpske” adopted’ by V.Popovic – 45 MP’s voted pro, while 13 abstained from voting. BHT1, EuroBlic pg RS7 ‘The Government was silent about minimum price’ by T. Veselinovic, Dnevni Avaz pg 10 ‘RS NA would decide on spending of the profits’ by N.D.– also covered.

RS President Cavic refuses to sign Law on Rights and Duties of MPs


FTV, Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘I will not sign the Law on Rights of MPs’ by FenaThe RS President, Dragan Cavic, confirmed he was not going to sign the Law on rights and duties of the RS Parliament and Council of People’s representatives, passed by the RS National Assembly, on Tuesday. RTRS – “Deputies had to have more responsibility towards those who elected them”, says Cavic. On Tuesday in Banja Luka, the RS National Assembly adopted the Law on rights and duties of MPs in the RSNA and RS Council of Peoples that enables additional benefits in terms of early retirement and salaries. Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Cavic says he will not sign the Law’ by P.Klincov, EuroBlic pgs RS2-RS3 ‘Cavic will not sign order, the law will fail’ announced on cover ‘Cavic against privileges for delegates’ by EuroBlic team, Vecernje Novosti pg 4 ‘Cavic does not want to place his signature’ by Sl. Pesevic also covered.

RS PM Dodik: RS Govt will propose changes to Law on rights/duties of MPs; RS NA Speaker: status of delegates needs to be regulated

Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘Cavic says he will not sign Law’ by P.Klincov – Reacting upon adoption of RS NA Law on rights of MP’s and delegates in RS, Milorad Dodik, RS Premier, has stated RS Government will propose to the Council of Peoples not to accept the disputable Law, noting RS Government will propose changes and addenda to the Law, since Law in the form it is “is useless and inappropriate”. Daily observes that in case RS President fails to sign Decree on pronunciation of Law, it is returned to RS NA, which is to vote on it again. If MP’s adopted the Law again, it would be automatically put into effect. Igor Radojicic, RS NA Speaker, has stated status of delegates needs to be regulated through a single Law instead of existing number of decisions. DNS’ Marko Pavic has stated DNS and he personally opposed to the enactment of this Law.

FBiH HoR postpones vote on FBiH Draft Law on Income Tax

BHT1 – The FBiH House of Representatives has postponed vote on FBiH Draft Law on Income Tax. The HoR also postponed vote on proposal Law on lowest net hourly wages until further notice. At the session held on Tuesday, FBiH House of Representatives discussed the draft Law on Income Tax, whereas the voting was left for Wednesday. The proposed Law was meant to replace existing Law on salary taxes and a series of similar cantonal laws, under which all citizens would be obliged to register their income and pay 10% or 20% taxes. Hayat, FTV, Nezavisne Novine pg 5 ‘On income tax at next session’ by R.C., Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Salary to apprentices shameful KM276’ by A.T, Dnevni Avbaz pg ‘Minister Vrankic offered for the income tax not to be paid by 100,000 employees’ by A.Hadziarapovicalso covered.


Trials and war crimes

ICTY refers Ljubici case onto BiH Court





Vecernji List, pg 2 ‘Pasko Ljubicic to be transferred to BiH within 30 days’, by R. I., – representative of the ICTY in BiH, Matias Hellman, noted that the Appeal Council of the ICTY confirmed the earlier decision by the ICTY that the Pasko Ljubicic case would be referred onto the BiH Court. Ljubicic is to be transferred to Sarajevo within 30 days. Ljubicic is charged, in capacity of senior officer of the HVO, with war crimes committed against Bosniaks of central Bosnia. Originally, it was Ljubicic who contested the transfer. PINK, BHT1, Hayat, FTV, RTRS, Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 2 ‘ICTY refers Pasko Ljubicic case to court in Sarajevo’, by H Dnevni List, pg 5 ‘Trial to Pasko Ljubicic in Sarajevo after all’, not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 4 ‘Trial to Ljubicic in Sarajevo’ by SRNA, EuroBlic pg RS7 ‘Pasko Ljubicic to stand trial before BiH Court’ by Beta, Dnevni Avaz pg 11 ‘Pasko Ljubicic to stand trial in BiH’ by Agencies – also covered.

CoM allocates 100.000 KM for marking 11th anniversary of Srebrenica events, sets date as Mourning Day only for 2006


Hayat by Snjezana Mulic – The BiH Council of Ministers held session on Wednesday [“finally”, as Hayat’s reporter ironically noted] discussing 41 agenda items. The CoM has decided to allocate 100.000 KM of financial support to Organisational Board for marking the 11th anniversary of sufferings in Srebrenica and declared 11th July Mourning Day but only in 2006. PINK, BHT1, FTV – also reported. Dnevni Avaz pgs 12- 13 ‘Over 1, 500 participants from BiH and the world moves to Srebrenica’, mentioned on cover by A.Hadzic– DA carries two whole pages dedicated to anniversary’ marking of Srebrenica tragedy, along with names of 485 victims that would be buried on that day.

VL writes Toby Robinson offered Herc. Bank clients to either withdraw money now or wait for gradual payment from future owners


Vecernji List cover splash ‘Bank should be sold to Varazdin or liquidated’ page 5 ‘Depositors decide on Hercegovacka bank’ by Zoran Kresic – Articles reads that Hercegovacka Bank Provisional Administrator Toby Robinson has invited bank depositors and saving account holders to choose between three possibilities of getting back their deposits. (Daily reminds that Hercegovacka Bank stopped its operation in April 2001 following an intervention by IC intended to stop the project of Croat self-rule). The worst possibility, according to VL, would be for the bank clients to decide to immediately withdraw their deposits in which case they would be able to get a very small portion of their money and the bank would have to be liquidated. Two other options would involve gradual payment of deposits over periods of time by potential future owners, Varazdin’s (Croatia) broker house Validus and its bank Vaba. The final decision will require votes of 75% of several thousand bank clients, some of which are FBiH authorities and numerous companies, who will have to decide between the offered options by 19 July 2006.

GS raises the issue of whether crimes committed against Serbs in 1992-1993 in Srebrenica area would be ever tried

Glas Srpske cover pg splash ‘Unbreakable wall of silence’ by D.Majstorovic – Daily raises the issue of whether any of 49 suspects for the crimes against Serb population in the Srebrenica villages (Ratkovici, Medje, Greben, Zalazje, Krnjici, Hranca) in 1992 and 1993 would be tried, reminding that two-and-half years ago, Bijeljina District Prosecution forwarded a file against 49 Srebrenica Bosniaks, including current Srebrenica Mayor, Abdurahman Malkic, accusing them of crimes. However, ICTY returned the file with explanation RUole of Road Department, as first filter in case processing, was closed. Daily further says it could not receive any confirmation from BiH Prosecution whether investigation is ongoing, further referring to its source at Prosecution saying that owing to sensitive nature of this case, its processing has been prolonged for such a long time.


Defence and police reforms

BiH Presidency adopts decision on size, structure and deployment of BiH Armed Forces








FTV, BHT1 – The BiH Presidency has passed proposed decision on the future organization of BiH Armed Forces, i.e. on size, structure and deployment of troops. Decision should had been passed by July 1, however after this deadline has expired, the HR Christian Schwarz-Schilling warned the Presidency that BiH it was already behind implementation of crucial defence reforms. RTRS – The HR warned BiH Presidency’s failure to meet its legally set deadline for approving proposed decision on size, structure and stationing of the Armed Forces of BiH. BiH Presidency was in delay due to the Croat member of BiH Presidency, Ivo Miro Jovic,who demanded BiH Armed Forces to contain 25% of Croats, which is not in accordance with BiH Defence Law under which ethnic balance would be in line with 1991 population census.Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘BiH presidency decided on armed forces structure’ by A.P.– Daily carries that even after the session, BiH presidency members refused to give more details about the decision and they left it up to BiH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic to publicly present the structure on Thursday. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Decision on Armed Forces passed’ by Onasa – DA reminds the OHR has warned the Presidency about this law. Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Decision on structure of Armed Forces adopted’ by D.Mu. – also reported. Vecernji List pg 2 ‘Army recruitment according to 1991 census not feasible’ by Zoran Kresic – daily carries outdated report.

NATO’s Gregorian: NATO will not take sanctions against BiH because of the delay, but BiH is two years in delay


Oslobodjenje pg 5 ‘BiH two years in delay already’, mentioned on cover by A.P– NATO HQ in Sarajevo denied media writings that NATO could take sanctions against BiH authorities, because of delay in passing of the Decision on size, structure and deployment of BiH Armed Forces, which BiH Presidency should had done by 1 July.  NATO HQ’s Advisor Raffi Gregorian told daily that BiH is already two years in delay in the process of planning and reviewing for Partnership for Peace, with which the major evaluation of defence system is made, in light of future development of defence system within PfP. “Maybe few days of delay doesn’t seem much to someone…but BiH Law on Defence is very clear and deadline for passing of the decisions is known for a year…” said Gregorian. 

PDR resumes its work, but according to SB Chair decision would not be made before October elections


RTRS by Vesna Stakic – The Police Reform Directorate Steering Board held a session on Wednesday in Sarajevo. RS Police Director Uros Pena participated in the work of the Steering Board as an observer since decisions are being made by majority of votes, which is a process unacceptable for the RS institutions. Other members of the Board discussed the model of police structure at the state level as well as replacement for current Chair of PRD Steering Board Vinko Dumancic since his mandate expires on 26 July. Reporter comments this position should be taken by one of 3 Serb members of the Board. She adds that Pena cannot accept this position since he is an observer whilst SIPA Director Sredoje Novic already refused due to personal reasons, thus leaving only the Chief of Brcko District Police Milenko Milicevic. Reporter also says that Dumancic is scheduled to report on the work of PRD Steering Board so far to Council of Ministers and adds that its efficiency will be questionable since RS representatives are not participating in the decision making process. Reporter concludes there wpi;d be no sessions of PRD Steering Board in August thus bringing the police restructuring deadline of 30 September in question. Dnevni Avaz pg 2 ‘Election of Chair on 26 July?’ by Srna – Dumancic told agency PRD SB discussed highest level of future police structure [Minister, Independent Board, Complaints Office, Inspectorate]. Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Police reform will not be agreed by elections’ by Az.Kalamujic  – Dumancic stated on Wednesday that organization model and police structure would not be agreed by October elections. FTV, Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 3 ‘Discussion on new police forces’ by M.Cubro– also reported.


Other political issues

BiH CoM session: two new ministries in CoM, but not yet known which ones 













Hayat by Snjezana Mulic – The BiH Council of Ministers held session on Wednesday [“finally”, as Hayat’s reporter ironically noted] discussing 41 agenda items. The amendment to the law on BIH Council of Ministers has been determined and it will be sent into parliamentary procedure after the issue of appointing the BIH Deputy Minister of Defence and establishment of additional two state ministries are solved. BIH Minister of Civil Affairs Safet Halilovic advocated for establishment of state Ministries of Health and Education instead of Agriculture and Technology explaining that “BIH has received 11 million KM to fight AIDS in 2006 from the Global Fund. No BIH Ministry, except Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has budget of 11 million KM”. BiH CoM has failed to appoint new State Attorneys to replace Monika Mijic and Zikreta Ibrahimovic who resigned from the Office [reporter was very ironic noting fact that CoM failed to react sooner despite being informed on time] At the session, BIH CoM appointed the working group to analyse the request of Administrative Commission of BIH House of Representatives on the financial effects on BIH Institutions regarding the proposed law on rights and duties of MPs. Mulic interpreted this request by saying that MPs want to know how much they will “take away” from citizens for their pensions before they actually adopt the proposed law. Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Two new ministries’ by M.K.S. – Halilovic stated that the proposal law will not be sent into Parliament procedure until the working group supervised by BIH Ministry of Justice submits all relevant changes to the law on CoM. Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Preparations for introduction of two new ministries’ by Fena – With regard to Halilovic stressed that the BiH CoM at its previous session established a taskforce, comprising Ministers Mladen Ivanic [Foreign], Dragan Doko [Economy], Slobodan Kovac [Justice] and Halilovic, which was in charge of defining the affairs that the two new ministries would be dealing with. BHT1, FTV, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘BiH to get two new ministries’ by M.Cubroalso covered.

RS President Cavic criticizes SDA’a Hafizovic for welcoming ex Srebrenica Commander Oric, called him “common fool” and warned he better not come to BL


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘Cavic: It is better for Hafizovic not to come to Banja Luka’ by Fena– RS President Dragan Cavic on Wednesday sharply criticized Deputy Speaker of the RS National Assembly, Sefket Hafizovic, calling him “a common fool”. Commenting on Hafizovic attendance at the welcoming of Naser Oric [former BiH Army Commander from Srebrenica who stood trial before the ICTY and was found guilty and sentenced to two years for crimes over Serbs, but was released immediately] and Hafizovic’s statement that Oric should also come to Banja Luka, Cavic told the press that “Hafizovic is a common fool with a wish of bringing a war criminal to Banja Luka,” said Cavic adding that bringing Oric, “awarded for war crimes”, to BL would cause a reaction of thousands of people who would lynch him. Cavic emphasized that “it is also better for Hafizovic and his think-alike not to come here”.  Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Cavic: Hafizovic is a common fool’; Hafizovic: Cavic is a primitive’ by P.K., Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Hafizovic is a common fool’ by Onasa – also reported.

RSNA Dep. Speaker Hafizovic: This is not 1995!, RS President is primitive 


Dnevni Avaz pg 4 ‘This is not a year 1995 and times of threats have passed’ by A.Hadzic- The RSNA Deputy Speaker Sefket Hafizovic reacted to the statement of the RS President Dragan Cavic who called him “a common fool” by saying Cavic is “a common primitive”. “I have expected many things from somebody who performs a function of the RS President, but never to be refer to another public person with so much primitivism,” said Hafizovic.He ironically reiterated that he can understand Cavic, because he now, in this pre-election times, has to go out before the people and ask them to support his party “which was lying for all this time that Naser Oric has slaughtered and killed all that was walking and had has a Serb name”.  Stressing that RS is not Cavic’s “family heritage”, Hafizovic said: “The times of threats have passed. This is not the 1995…Hayat, Nezavisne Novine pg 9 ‘Cavic: Hafizovic is a common fool’; Hafizovic: Cavic is a primitive’ by P.K.,, Oslobodjenje pg 2 ‘Cavic is a common primitive’ not signed– also reported.

DA: statement of RS President is no surprise after RS PM Dodik took absolute power in RS


Dnevni Avaz pg 3 ‘Cavic’s appealing of the dark past’ op-ed by Edina sarac– Commenting on the Wednesday’s dispute between RS President Dragan Cavic and RSNA Deputy Speaker Sefket Hafizovic, Sarac comments how unusual was the language Cavic used, since he was always “subtle” in expressing nationalism “in order not to be related to the founder of his party, war criminals Radovan Karadzic. Emphasizing that Cavic’s statements could not be justified if one knows that war crimes’ indictees after surrendering to the ICTY were welcomed as patriots in the RS. Sarac stresses a reason for such behaviour could be in the fact that RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik has “imposed himself as absolute ruler of smaller entity”. Emphasising that it was expected for Cavic to fight in other ways and not to pull out “ghosts of the dark past”, Sarac concludes that BiH citizens want electoral victory of people that would offer them better standard and European salaries.

NN op-ed: politicians prefer to insult each other rather than making everyday life of BiH citizens easier


Nezavisne Novine op-ed pg 7 ‘Dictionary of insults’ by Predrag Klincov- The author comments on the recent harsh words that Dragan Cavic and Sefket Hafizovic addressed to each other (when Cavic called Hafizovic ‘fool’ and Hafizovic responded by calling Cavic ‘a primitive’), saying this shows that politicians in BiH stop at nothing in order to get support of voters. According to author, it is obvious that politicians in BiH prefer to compete with colleagues in insulting each other instead of making everyday life of common people and citizens easier.

Oslobodjenje’s commentary insists RS is created by genocide, says false reconciliation created in BiH


Oslobodjenje, pg 9 ‘Sickness of false reconciliation’, by Gojko Beric – in his lengthy commentary, Beric opposes to comments by senior officials coming from the RS, namely by RS PM Dodik, RS President Cavic and BiH Foreign Minister Ivanic, who all claim that the RS is not a creation based on genocide, by insisting it definitely is. To back his claim up, Beric lists towns and areas in which the RS troops committed numerous crimes, highlighting Srebrenica, Zvornik and Prijedor, insisting that nobody can deny the crimes committed in these towns. In this context, Beric notes there are efforts to deny the said crimes, efforts that are being made by the Serbs and “our international sponsors”, in order to achieve an alleged peace and reconciliation. “I get sick of such peace and reconciliation, even if it meant giving Bosnia a chance”, argues Beric, insisting that he prefers the truth to Bosnia.

Russia critical of PACE Resolution, saying it is tendentious


Glas Srpski pg 5 ‘Attempt of destabilization’ by not signed, Nezavisne Novine pg 4, announced on cover ‘Attempt of BiH destabilization’ by D.R., Dnevni List pg 3 ‘Serbs complain to Council of Europe’ unsigned  Russia condemned PACE Resolution on BiH, which suggests abolishment of the entities. Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs official Michael Kaminin believes that this Resolution is tendentious and not in accordance with the interest of the international community for compromise and dialogue of all parties in BiH, adding that Resolution presents attempt to destabilise BiH.According to inset ‘Gligoric: Delegates preparing letter for Van der Linden’ – Tihomir Gligoric, MP at BiH HoR stated that Serb Caucus in BiH Parliament would send joint document to PACE Head Rene Van der Linden informing him about omissions in the report and Resolution on BiH.

PDP President Ivanic: RS repr’s will not allow their status be reduced to status of national minority


Vecernje Novosti pg 2 ‘It is time we say enough’ by Dusan Stojakovic – In a lengthy interview to Vecernje Novosti, BiH Foreign Affairs Minister and PDP leader Mladen Ivanic said the tolerance of RS peoples and Serb politicians is decreasing because RS is being blamed for everything, regardless of whether it is justified or not. He said the recently adopted PACE Resolution blamed RS for non-adoption of constitutional changes although it was clear to everyone the failure resulted from lack of readiness of F BiH parties to support the agreement already agreed upon. He assessed the Resolution was a result of lobbying of the parties that have rejected constitutional changes. Ivanic noted RS representatives would not allow their status to be reduced down to the status of a national minority and will insist on implementation of constitutional changes, which foresee the existence of entities. With regard to Dayton Peace Agreement, Ivanic assessed it would be the best to preserve it since demands for abolition of the DPA produce desire for organizing of referendum. ‘Personally, I oppose any further fragmentation of countries in the region. I would wish everything to end with Montenegrin independence’, Ivanic concluded.

SDS critical of RTRS reporting


RTRS, Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘SDS announces public protest because of RTRS reporting’ by Srna, Nezavisne Novine pg 6 ‘Executive power responsible for RTRS partiality’ by D. Risojevic-SDS Election Board accused the executive power for partial reporting of RTRS regarding SDS and SDS leader Dragan Cavic. Member of SDS Political Council Ognjen Tadic stated that SDS would send protest letter to EC, OSCE and CRA with enclosed media monitoring results of ‘Eter’ agency, according to which, RTRS is critical toward SDS and inclined towards SNSD.  

Dailies: HR Schwarz-Schilling gave Mostar authorities clear deadlines

Dnevni List, pg 13 ‘Schwarz-Schilling gave precise deadlines to Mostar authorities’, not signed – reports from Tuesday’s meeting between the HR, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, and representatives of parties participating in the work of Mostar City Council, when they discussed about political situation in the city and steps necessary to complete the unification process (story originally covered by Morning Brief, July 5). Daily reports that the HR and parties’ representatives agreed that vacancies for 35 new civil servants in the City administration (CA) should be issued immediately, that they determined deadlines for solving the issue of surplus workers (in the CA) and plan of activities to set up a single public utilities company in Mostar. DL quotes the HR as saying: “I expect information on first two issues to be delivered to the OHR in Mostar by July 11 the latest and information on establishment of single public utility company by end of July. I also expect a report on developments regarding harmonization of statute of the HTV(Hercegovacka TV), on cultural institutions and soup kitchens by August 1, after which we shall schedule a date for new meeting”. Similar report in Slobodna Dalmacija, pg 12 ‘250 civil servants to be fired, new 35 to be hired’, by M. Landeka (the headline refers to plan to lay off 250 surplus workers of CA)


Latest radio news broadcast at 12.00 on 6 July


BH Radio 1(12,00 hrs)

RTRS (12,00 hrs)

No news broadcast due to strike

Sarabon employees protesting

Ivanic’s interview to VN


Regional News

RS Govt to diuscuss veterans’ issues


Regional News

Dzombic on distribution of resources

TV news broadcast on 5 July


TV PINK (18,00 hrs)

BHT 1 (19,00 hrs)

No news broadcast due to strike

HR appoints Nicholl as ITA SB Chair

Audit reports on state institutions


CoM session

HR appoints Nicholl as ITA SB Chair


Exhumation in Kamenica Donja

Decision on BiH mil. forces passed


Trial to Krajisnik

BiH CoM in session


NTV Hayat (19,00 hrs)

FTV (19,30 hrs)

RTRS (19,30 hrs)

New ITA SB Chair appointed

HR appoints Nicholl as ITA SB Chair

Decision re BIH Arm. Forces adopted

Cavic on Law on rights/duties of MPs

RS NA on ‘Telekom Srpske’

HR appoints Nicholl as ITA SB Chair

FBIH HoR in session

BiH savers on their savings

PRD Steering Board session

CoM in session

FBiH HoR in session

BIH HoR finance commission session



OHR choses Peter Nicholl for new Chair of [ITA] Steering Board

Dnevni Avaz

Peter Nicholl instead of Joly Dixon [OHR decision on ITA SB]

Dnevni List

“Today successful women in high heels” (local story)

Vecernji List

“Bank should be sold to Varazdin or liquidated” (Robinson on Hercegovacka bank)

Slobodna Dalmacija

Football related

Nezavisne Novine

Peter Nicholl replaced Joly Dixon

Glas Srpske

Unbreakable wall of silence


They distributed stale chicken to citizens (BiH Association of farmers distributed food with expired date to B. Luka citizens over last two days)

Vecernje novosti

Features Serbian related splash



RS Fin. Min. Dzombic warns irregularities regarding distribution of resources from single account must be removed

RTRS Aleksandar Dzombic, RS Finance Minister, has today stated that the Report of BiH Office for Audit of state institutions (which reads that ITA illegally distributed resources from single account) points out RS representatives were right when they pointed at irregularities during distribution from ITA single account in 2005. He has also warned that these irregularities must be removed, and re-distribution conducted.

RS PoWs critical of RS Law on rights and duties of MP’s

RTRS – The RS Association of former detention camp inmates has assessed that recently adopted Law on rights and duties of RS MP’s represents extremely amoral and arrogant humiliation of its own people.

HR welcomes adoption of decision on BiH Armed Forces at BiH Pres Wednesday


RTRS – At today’s press conference in Banja Luka, Ljiljana Radetic, OHR Spokesperson has stated that the High Representative to BiH, Christian Schwarz Schilling welcomed yesterday’s decision of the BiH Presidency on size, structure, and locations of the Armed forces of BiH. RTRS carries her statement as saying that “the further fine-tuning of the structure to further enhance sustainable readiness and compatibility with NATO forces will be possible once BiH meets the requirement for membership in Partnership for Peace of full cooperation with the ICTY.” According to her, HRexpressed hope that all local communities will make welcome and help support the soldiers, civilians, and their families who may be required to relocate over the coming period as part of the transformation process.

SA Commission in session/ press conference be held afterwards

RTRS – The Commission in charge of investigating suffering of Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, Jews and others in Sarajevo is in session in Sarajevo. The session is expected to adopt the Rule Book of the Commission, and attendees would hold the press conference afterwards.


Return, economic and social issues

Audit Office of BiH institution’ work notes irregularities, while most successful was BiH Central Bank







NTV Hajat – As announced, Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH has prepared reports on the work of BiH institutions in 2005 that are available for public on the web site www.revizija.gov.ba, and which are to be publicly presented on Thursday. In the short summary of the audit reports, reporter noted that Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not exceed the budget in 2005 but it had spent the most for renting the apartments (6 million KM), residencies (3 million KM) and telephone bills (2 million KM). BIH Ministry of Finance and treasury has spent 76% of allocated assets but it did not employ 95 new employees as planned. BIH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations failed to plan organisational structures for 2005 since salary budget had been planned for 175 employed with additional 85 new employees that were not employed in the end. SIPA had employed 477 additional employees instead of planned 950. ITA failed to ensure the evidence on the methodology of planning the budget for 2005. The audit report on realisation of ITA budget showed that the planned budget was not sufficient for the adequate working performance. Most successful BIH Institution is Central Bank according to the audit report. Oslobodjenje pg 5 ’Numerous breaches of procurement provisions’ by A.Omeragic-Az.Kalamujic – Article carries that one of the most frequent irregularities that were noted was violation of the Law on public procurement.

BiH Old Foreign Currency Savers Association calls on BiH Parliament to solve their issue


FTV – BiH Old Foreign Currency Savers Association called on BiH Parliament to bring decision by which money, collected through purchase of state property in RS and BiH Telecom, would be directed to payment of their savings. If the Parliament fails to bring such decision, the Association calls on the High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling to bring a decision by which the money would be blocked until a lawsuit of the Association vs. commercial banks, BiH, FBiH, RS, Slovenia, SCG, International Monetary Fund, the HR and Peace Implementation Council does not terminate.

BIH HoR commission adopts amendments related to old savings


RTRS – BIH House of Representatives commission for finance and budget adopted amendments to the law related to settlement of old foreign currency savings. Amendments, proposed by deputy Tihomir Gligoric, reduce the deadline for payments of bonds from 13 to 5 years. Dnevni Avaz pg 9 ‘Payment deadline for savings bonds is five years’ by Srna, also covered.

DL claims OHR requested documentation on decertified police officers from MoI; OHR, UN to audit disputed cases


Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Police officers should be returned  to work unconditionally’ by Dario Pusic – Daily writes that OHR has requested all ministries of interior in BiH to furnish comprehensive information on decertified police officers by 7 July 2006. Zoran Bijelic, president of association of decertified police officers said that ‘the purpose of this is for OHR to get a clear picture on decertified officers and then, together with UN, form a commission to audit all disputed cases‘. Bijelic added that all police officers whose decertification has been contested should be returned to work on previous terms and their years of service recognized. Article reminds that the UN Secretariat recently proposed that decertified officers should be entitled to apply for positions on the force but without the possibility to be directly involved in application of the law that provoked negative reactions from the aforementioned Association.

BiH Ombudsman writes to RS Chief Prosecutor: improve living conditions for returnees to East RS by prosecuting war crime suspects

Dnevni List pg 4 ‘Conditions for return extremely bad’ unsigned – BiH Ombudsman for human rights Safet Pasic has written to RS Chief Prosecutor informing him that the ombudsmen, during their recent visit to municipalities in east Herzegovina (Trebinje, Bileca, Gacko and Nevesinje), noticed that the situation pertaining to return of displaced persons to these places is extremely bad. In his letter Pasic claims nothing is being done to prosecute war crime suspects in the area who are the main reason displaced persons are too afraid to return to their homes and asks the prosecutor to take concrete steps to improve conditions for return.


Political issues

Norwegian and BiH Defence Ministry delegations discuss defence reform in BIH


FTV – Delegations Norwegian and BiH Defence Ministries discussed defence reform in BiH and engagement in peace missions. Norwegian Defence Minister Anne-Grete Strom-Erichsen said that she was satisfied with results BiH had achieved in terms of defence reform. Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘Norway offers help for faster approach to Partnership for Peace’ by Onasa, Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Defence reform is good example’ – also covered.

Defence Minister invites BiH authorities to take care of redundant soldiers


Dnevni Avaz pg 5 ‘BiH got the largest support for redundant soldiers from NATO’ by Fena – At the reception that BiH defence Ministry organized Wednesday night for Ambassadors of NATO members, BiH Defence Minister Nikola Radovanovic emphasised the sum that NATO provided for care providing for redundant soldiers [8 million euros] and invited BiH structures to participate in this process as well. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘Invitation to authorities to include in care providing for redundant personnel’ not signed, also covered.

SDS’ Bojic confirms SDS Caucus would launch the initiative for dismissal of RS NA Dpty Speaker Hafizovic


Glas Srpski pg 3 ‘Hafizovic to render counts’ by Z. Markovic- Chair of SDS Caucus at the RS NA Borislav Bojic confirmed to daily that SDS Caucus at RS NA would launch the initiative for dismissal of RS NA Deputy Speaker Sefket Hafizovic at the following session due to Hafizovic’ statement that he would like to have a cup of coffee with Naser Oric in Banja Luka. On Hafizovic’s statement (which he said that he would not render counts to anyone) Bojic said Hafizovic as RS NA deputy speaker has to render counts to RS NA. Chair of SNSD Caucus Krstan Simic said that dismissal of RS NA Deputy Speaker is regulated by RS NA Rule Book and it would depend on RS NA stance. Chair of SRS Caucus Milanko Mihajlica believes that Hafizovic should be dismissed. RS Veterans’ Organization asked from RS NA deputies to launch the initiative for dismissal of Hafizovic. [For more details on the conflict between Hafizovic and RS officials, see Morning Media Brief July 6]

US Ambassador McElhaney: First US Constitution was also dysfunctional


Dnevni Avaz pg 3, mentioned on cover ‘McElhaney: USA have always been friend and ally of BiH’ by E.Sarac – On the occasion of marking US Independence Day, US Ambassador Douglas McElhaney spoke about constitutional changes, reminding that first US Constitution was dysfunctional, adding that it took ten years for it to be changed. He also stressed that USA have always been friend and ally. Oslobodjenje pg 3 ‘America celebrated 230th birthday’ by M.K.S., also covered.

RS Pres Cavic received US official Melady, who sees no reason why somebody would not have a positive impression about RS

Glas Srpske pg 2 ‘Patrick Melady’ – Dragan Cavic,RS President, Wednesday in Banja Luka received the former US ambassador to Vatican and currently one of leading people at World Policy Institute seated in Washington. Melady said that news on progress achieved in BiH over the last ten years should be voiced out to the world to attract investors, expressing expectation that local politicians would resume with talks on constitutional changes after elections, “since you cannot expect from foreigners to tell you what to do for ever.” Ambassador Melady said he knows of no name of suspect from Republika Srpska, who was not handed to the ICTY, adding he sees “no reason why somebody would not have a positive impression about RS”.


Elections 2006

HDZ rally in Sarajevo: Croats must be united, as Bosniaks and Serbs already are; Bosniaks to elect SBiH’s Silajdzic, and SDP’s Croat member of Presidency




Dnevni Avaz pg 8 ‘Covic: While Croats are disunited other two peoples are acting united” by H.O.– Under the title ‘Current political issues in BiH’ public rally organized by HDZ BiH was held in Sarajevo municipality Novi Grad. Beside the President Dragan Covic, gathering was attended by Ivo Miro Jovic, Marinko Cavara, Davor Cordas, Mladen Bevanda and Anton Rill. Main message was that it is imperative for “BiH Croats to be together and act united in political life”. “While we Coats are dividing, other two constituent peoples are uniting and they act together. Serb alliance has already been created and all-Bosniak alliance is being created as well. Be certain that very soon, Bosniak media would start attacking [SDA leader Sulejman] Tihic and defending [SBiH leader Haris] Silajdzic, said Covic. He underlined this would be done so that Silajdzic would be a Bosniak member of the Presidency, which allows for the Croat member of the Presidency to be elected with majority of votes from the SDP’s list. Oslobodjenje pg 8 ‘Jovic’s true adversary- SDP candidate’ by A.O.– also reported.

German parliamentarians meet SDP BiH, say European perspective an obligation for both Germany and BiH


Oslobodjenje pg 7 ‘European perspective is obligation for BiH, but for the EU as well’ – Representative of the German Social Democratic Party in the state Parliament, Alex Schafer, told a press conference in Sarajevo on Wednesday that the German presidency over the EU [commencing in January 2007] will demonstrate how important BiH and rest of the region is for this country. Following the meeting with the SDP BiH, he also said that the delegation of the German Parliament currently visiting BiH would meet with different representatives of the political parties, civic society and EU. “We wish to say that European perspective [for BiH] is an obligation not only for your country, but for the EU as well,” said Schafer who also supported SPD at the upcoming elections. 

CEC to vet 9000 election candidates over next 20 days


Dnevni List pg 7 ‘Detailed vetting of around 9000 candidates’ by D. P. Mandic – DL writes that BiH CEC has until 24 July to vet around 9000 candidates who will run for office in the October elections. Branko Petric, CEC President, said for DL that vetting will include verification of whether the candidates are recorded in voter registers, whether sanctions by OHR, SIPA, IPTF, SFOR or NATO against them are in force preventing them from running for office and whether there are indictments for war crimes against them. Then it will be examined whether the candidates are on the list of persons whose right to run for office is limited, such as judges, prosecutors, public attorneys, ombudsmen, members of the military and intelligence-security agencies and employees in diplomatic offices, who have to quit their jobs if they want to run for office. It will also be checked whether every list contains at least one third of female candidates.

HSPNHI Coalition demands extension of deadline for absentee voters registration


Oslobodjenje pg 6 ‘Extend deadline for registration of voters who will vote in absence’ not signed – BiH HSP and BiH NHI – Coalition for Equality – forwarded a demand to BiH Central Election Commission (BiH CEC), asking from it to extend the deadline for registration of voters who will vote in absence and suggested the new deadline should be August 1. The Coalition noted there are many citizens who are interested to register as voters but are unable to do so due because of obstructions in acquiring necessary documentation, especially in the territory of RS.


Judiciary and war crimes

BiH Justice Minister confirms BiH PO’s extradition request for Klickovic forwarded to Serbian authorities


Nezavisne Novine pg 2 ‘We are waiting for response from Serbian authorities’ by A.D.- BiH Minister of Justice Slobodan Kovac confirmed that BiH Ministry of Justice sent request of BiH Prosecution to Serbian Ministry of Justice for extradition of Gojko Klickovic to BiH authorities, noting “Extradition period to Klickovic lasts 30 days and in that period Serbian Ministry of Justice should send us response whether Klickovic will or will not be extradited to BiH authorities”. BHT 1 also reported.

RS NA Speaker Igor Radojicic will not attend commemoration in Srebrenica


Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Radojicic will not go to Srebrenica’ by Fena, Oslobodjenje pg 4 ‘I did not receive invitation’ by Fena – RS NA Speaker Igor Radojicic stated that he would not attend anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica since he has not received the invitation. Daily reports that Zvornik Veterans’ Organization asked from RS officials not to attend Srebrenica commemoration due to frequent arrests of Zvornik citizens and transfer before Tuzla Court.

Serbia Prosecutor Vukcevic says ICTY would lodge complaint against decision on Naser Oric


Nezavisne Novine pg 8 ‘Verdict to Oric strengthens extremists’ by not signed – Serbian Prosecutor for war crimes Vladimir Vukcevic stated that the ICTY would lodge a complaint against the decision on BiH Army Commander Naser Oric, adding that 2-year prison sentence to Oric is inadmissible. According to Vukcevic, the ICTY decision weakens position of the forces that support justice and reconciliation and instead strengthens extremist forces.