
OHR: Agreed measures – Geneva, 14/8/96


Agreed measures

Geneva, 14 August 1996

  1. At the invitation of Secretary of State Christopher, the signatories of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnian President Izetbegovic, Croatian President Tudjman, and Serbian President Milosevic, met in Geneva on August 14, 1996 to continue joint efforts in support of full implementation of the peace process in the region. Also attending the meeting were the High Representative, Carl Bildt, the Supreme Allied Commander, General George Joulwan, the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE, Federal Counselor Flavio Cotti and Ambassador Robert Frowick, head of the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  2. All participants reiterated their joint commitment to full implementation of the letter and spirit of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They agreed that progress had been made since they last met in Geneva on June 2. At the same time, they expressed concern that violations of the provisions of the General Framework Agreement and its annexes and of the spirit of unity and cooperation, which forms the heart of the Dayton process, continued to be registered throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. The participants underscored the importance of the commitment by the international community to full implementation of the Dayton Agreement.
  3. All participants agreed that the coming months will mark a critical point of transition in the peace process. Foundations for sustained peace have been laid. There must be a continued effort to achieve the fullest possible implementation of commitments agreed at Dayton. Increasingly, it will be the responsibility of the parties to build effective common institutions and to develop the habits of cooperation essential to achieving lasting peace.

    In this connection, they agreed to the following:

  4. Elections

    • Successful conduct of elections, as set forth in Annex III of the General Framework Agreement, is essential to building lasting structures of peace. Participants agreed to abide by the results of the elections and to cooperate fully in the smooth transition to common structures set forth in the Framework Agreement.
    • Conditions for free and fair elections will be assured throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. In particular, free movement of persons throughout the country and the absence of violence, threats or intimidations of any kind will be guaranteed by entity and local authorities. The exercise of the right to vote does not effect the fundamental right of refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes.
    • Access to media will be improved for all political groups and in all communities. Freedom of assembly, unrestricted registration and voting and strict adherence to regulations set forth by the OSCE will also be maintained.
    • Participants will support fully the work of the international community and the OSCE in the conduct of the elections. There will be full acceptance of the role and activities of IFOR, which will make a critical contribution in establishing a secure environment. Authorities at all levels will be instructed to cooperate in every step of the electoral process, including freedom of the domestic and international media to report the elections.
    • Persons indicted for war crimes will not participate in the election process in any way. The July 18 agreement to remove all indicted persons from power will be implemented in every respect.

      The arrest of all indicted persons remains an important goal and a critical step in the process of implementation of the Dayton Agreement, as well as reconciliation and renewal.

    • Taking note of the agreement on media access reached on June 2, 1996 in Geneva, the Parties reaffirm their agreement to support fully the Open Broadcast Network project and other media support projects being coordinated through the Office of the High Representative and the OSCE.
  5. Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina

    • Keeping in mind the need to define the competencies of the Federation prior to establishment of the new state structures, it is agreed that:
      • Effective August 31, 1996, those functions and institutions of the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina that are not within the authority provided by the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be transferred to the Federation or dissolved, as appropriate.
      • Effective August 31, 1996, in accordance with the Dayton General Framework Agreement and the Federation Agreement of November 10, 1995, the Administrative Arrangements in the territory of the Federation under HVO control will cease to exist. The dismantling of its specific institutions will proceed in accordance to a detailed implementations schedule.
    • It is agreed to establish a Special Group to finalize the implementation schedule, the preponderance of which has already been established by the Federation partners, in consultation with the United States and the Office of the High Representative.
    • The special Group will meet immediately to resolve the remaining few issues concerning this schedule. The representatives of the Federation and of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Special Group will be Federation President Zubak, Federation Vice President Ganic, Bosnia and Herzegovina Prime Minister Muratovic and Foreign Minister Prlic. Special Group representatives will be empowered to take decisions on implementations issues. The United States and the Office of the High Representative will co-chair the Special Group. In the event of dispute, the co-chairs will decide. The Special Group will complete its work by August 17.
  6. Establishment Of Joint Institutions

    • Elections will lead to the next critical step – the establishment of joint institutions that will govern and provide for legal continuity of Bosnia and Herzegovina as set forth in the constitution adopted as part of the peace agreement.

      Measures should be taken immediately to complete the process of fully conforming entity constitutions with the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the recommendation of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. Through the Joint Interim Commission established in Annex II of the Constitution, and in cooperation with other relevant international institutions, the parties will cooperate fully in ensuring a smooth transition to new post-elections institutions.

    • There will be a rapid establishment of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the Presidency, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Council of Ministers, the Central Bank and the Constitutional Court, including the installation of newly elected officials, an orderly transfer of authority and a dissolution of institutions not established by the constitution or transferred to the entities. Initial meetings to focus on priority tasks will be convened without delay.
    • In recognition of the interest of the international community in providing assistance for the restructuring and rehabilitation of the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina will convene immediately after certification of the elections, and proceed the setting up of the new council of ministers which can then immediately start talks with the international financial institutions. The Presidency shall meet in Sarajevo no later than four days after certification of elections. The Council of Ministers shall be established no later than October 31.
    • Final interpretation of transitional arrangements will be made in strict accordance with the provisions of the Dayton Agreement, particularly Article V, Annex 10, which provides the High Representative with final authority in theater on civilian implementation of the Peace Agreement.
  7. Other Agreements

    • Full implementation of the Agreement for Regional Arms Control under the terms of Article IV of Annex IA of the Dayton Agreement, is a basic requirement for the establishment of military security in the region. Participants agreed to correct problems of under-reporting and slow compliance and to cooperate fully with the OSCE and IFOR in the fulfillment of commitments contained in the agreement.
    • It was agreed that lasting peace cannot be achieved without success of the binding arbitration of the disputed portion of the Inter-entity boundary line in the Brcko area. The Federation and the Republika Srpska will cooperate fully with the international arbitrator in making the process work. The parties agree to implement fully the results of the binding arbitration.
    • Participants noted the intention of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to establish full diplomatic relations in the near future. They also welcomed the successful visit of representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Belgrade and agreed that further steps towards normalization of contacts and establishment of full diplomatic relations should be taken as soon as possible.

Office of the High Representative