
OBN News Review, 9 September 2000



  • “Property laws must be respected”, the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch said
  • 44 Bosniac bodies were found in Sokolac
  • The Federal Government might lose $30 million loan
  • OHR: There is a political resistance against education reforms


The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch met Bosniac returnees in Kovaci, near Gorazde. Most of them cannot return, because Serbs live in their houses. They asked help from the International Community in reconstruction of their homes. Reported by Adis Saranovic.


The World Bank, IMF and OHR reacted after the Federation Parliament had rejected changes in the Law on retirement and insurance. They reminded that, without this law, the Federal Government might lose $ 30 million of loan. Mirna Sadikovic produced the report.


Economy in Zenicko-Dobojski Canton is threatened by collapse. Many workers will lose their jobs, with meagre chances to get employed somewhere else. Recent workers’ protests in Zenica proved that the Canton authorities cannot cope with numerous economic problems, Amarildo Gutic confirmed.


At least 100 people died in an explosion of a lorry, transporting explosives in West China. Investigation on causes of the accident is underway.

The Millennium Summit of world countries ended in New York, with leaders’ determination to fight against hunger and poverty in the world.

After the murder of 3 UNHCR workers, the UN withdrew all their staff from West Timor.

The Palestinian Leader, Yasser Arafat went to Gaza to chair a meeting of the Palestinian National Council.

The Head of the UN Mission in Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner called for Albanians to stop ethnic violence in the region.

The situation in France stabilised after the French Government had offered tax privileges for fuel. Lorry drivers in Britain and Germany also announce road blockages due to high fuel prices. Mladen Maric reported on world events.


44 Bosniac bodies were found in a city dump in Sokolac. They were missing since September 1992. According to an anonymous witness, the SDS delegate in the RS Assembly, Milan Tupajic was connected with the murder. Mr. Tupajic denied these claims and refused to give any further comments. The ICTY was informed about the case, Damir Kaletovic confirmed.


The 1st World Congress of Perinatal Medicine started today in Tuzla. About 40 distinguished experts in this field will talk about problems of developing countries, Amra Hadziefendic reported.


According to a letter from one of the soldiers in the Educational Centre of Croat Part of the Federal Army in Capljina, they were forced to take drugs. OBN crew interviewed several soldiers and officers, who denied such claims. The report was produced by Ivan Pavkovic.


The Brcko District was officially proclaimed 6 months ago. The OHR is not satisfied with the attitude of Entity authorities. International officials promised aid for economic development in the area. However, this will depend on readiness of entity authorities to co-operate. Reported by Danijela Bozic.

Banja Luka

The team of education experts organised a session in Banja Luka. They made a new proposal for teaching programme for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language. Darko Savic produced the report.


“Unfortunately, there is a strong political resistance against education reforms in B&H”, the OHR Spokesperson, Alexandra Stiglmayer said. According to Ms. Stiglmayer, the International Community will cancel financing of education system in B&H, in order to convince Entity Governments that a reform in education system is necessary. Reported by Svjetlana Celic.


Citizens of Sarajevo had the opportunity to meet famous B&H writer, Miljenko Jergovic in “Kamerni Teatar” last night. He published 11 books so far. Currently, he lives and works in Croatia, Meliha Hasanbegovic reported.


Reports on football, international tennis and Formula I competitions were presented.