
OBN News Review, 8 October 2000



  • Vojislav Kostunica cancelled economic blockage of Montenegro
  • Round table on the theme: “Implementation of the Stability Pact in South-East Europe” ended in Sarajevo
  • Clashes between Israelis and Palestinians continue
  • Presidential election are taking place in Poland
  • German Michael Scumaher is the new world champion in Formula I


The new Yugoslav President, Vojislav Kostunica took a solemn oath last night. Mr. Kostunica abolished customs control on the border between Serbia and Montenegro, adding that he hopes that relations between the two republics would be stronger. Voting on delegates in the Vojvodina Assembly is taking place in Vojvodina. The USA will join the EU tomorrow and remove oil embargo against FRY and renew flights of JAT abroad. Germany allocated EURO 500 000 for cleaning of the river Danube to the FRY. Reported by Gordana Frimel.


Round table on “Implementation of the Stability Pact” ended in Sarajevo today. Among other, the following issues were discussed: development of democracy in the region, human rights and changes in Serbia and Croatia. Anes Alic produced the report.


The B&H Parliament should adopt a Law on B&H Ombudsmen by 15th December. “Or the High Representative will impose the Law before the deadline, or Annex 6 will be prolonged after that date”, said the Ombudsman for Human Rights in B&H, Frank Orton. Adoption of the Law is one of the conditions for joining of B&H to the Council of Europe. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.


Clashes between Israelis and Palestinians continue; one Palestinian died. The Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak ordered closing of the airport in Gaza. German diplomats took the role of mediators between the two parties.

The UN adopted a resolution this morning, condemning Israel for violence against Palestinians.

Presidential elections took place in Poland.

Legendary Argentinean revolutionary, Che Guevara was killed 33 years ago, on 8th October in Bolivia. Mladen Maric reported on current world events.

Banja Luka

Deadline for investment of vouchers in privatisation funds in Banja Luka will expire tomorrow. Only the “Zepter Fund” fulfilled the census on 1 million of collected vouchers so far, Sanela Zivkovic reported.

Lusci Palanka

About 100 Serb families returned to villages around Lusci Palanka. They cannot start with their normal lives until their houses are reconstructed. Milena Letic-Joves produced the report.


About 1500 Bosniacs are waiting to return to their pre-war homes. Serb refugees, who do not want to return to their pre-war homes are living in their houses. They demand that houses for them are constructed in Ilicka before they move out from Bosniac houses. Reported by Slobodanka Radojkovic.


Socially endangered categories of B&H society are always in need for help. Public kitchens will probably be re-opened in Tuzla. Aid organisation “Merhamet” made such a decision five months ago for the Tuzla region.


The B&H Human Rights Chamber decided to remove a market from the place where “Salihbegovica” mosque was before the war. They also decided that all locations in Bijeljina, where mosques were placed before the war, should be cleaned.


The sacred mass was performed in the Orthodox Church in Tuzla, on the occasion of arrival of the icon of Holy Mother of God.


About 15 bands from the area of former Yugoslavia played at the concert “Live for Life” last night. Money from the concert will be used for a demining project in B&H. Reported by Slobodna Maksimovic.


Reports on Formula I and motorcycle racing in Brazil were presented.