
OBN News Review, 6 July 1999



  • In Banja Luka, Radoslav Brdanin, member of the RS Assembly, arrested and handed over to the Hague Tribunal
  • British Defence Minister, George Robertson, on two day visit to BiH
  • The High Representative in BiH met RS Prime Minister in Banja Luka
  • First plane with Russian parachutists arrived at Kosovo
  • NATO Commander for Europe, General Wesley Clark, visited NATO troops in Kosovo

Banja Luka

Member of the RS Assembly, Radoslav Brdanin, was arrested in Banja Luka due to the charges raised by the International Hague Tribunal. Radoslav Brdanin is indicted for the ethnic cleansing of Bosniaks in the Banja Luka area.

This was followed by a report on SFOR actions of arresting those accused for war crimes in BiH, since 1997. The arrested persons were on the secret lists at the Hague Tribunal. The secret lists were made parallel to those public lists in order to prevent the escape of the accused for war crimes. The spokesman of the International Tribunal for War Crimes visited BiH.


British Defence Minister, George Robertson, arrived on a two day visit to BiH. He met with the BiH officials today and talked about SFOR action in Banja Luka. He congratulated SFOR on their successful action. The British Defence Minister travels to Banja Luka tomorrow.

Banja Luka

A report on the meeting between the High Representative in BiH, Carlos Westendorp, and the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik. During their discussion, they focused on the issue of election of the RS government. OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Valentina Knezevic, produced the report.

Another meeting occurred in Banja Luka. Finance ministers from the RS and BiH Federation met today. They said that they are ready to cooperate in order to solve key problems in both entities regarding finance issues, tax policy, customs and cooperation between monitoring bodies of the entities.


Before the war, 116,000 people lived in the Livno Canton – now, there are 50,000. Ninety five per cent of the pre-war Serb population, fifty per cent of pre-war Bosniak population, and thirty per cent of pre-war Croat population were exiled during the war. There was no political will for the return in this Canton. OBN journalist, Amarildo Gutic, produced the report.


A report on the investment worth DEM 250,000 in the Omazici village in the Banovici Municipality. After 53 years, the inhabitants of the village have an asphalt road and their first phone lines.


A day after the end of negotiations between Moscow and NATO regarding the role of Russian troops in Kosovo, the first plane with Russian parachutists arrived at Kosovo. Russian troops will be deployed in the Orahovac region. OBN journalist, Gordana Frimel, made the report.


Until August 31st, ammunition and military arms stores in BiH have to be brought up to NATO standards. As a result of this, representatives of the SFOR Dutch Battalion demonstrated to officers of the Croat party of the BiH Federation Army the correct storing of ammunition today in Busovaca.


Today in Lukavica, the OSCE organized a discussion between the leading and opposition political parties from the BiH Federation and the RS on the topic “Permanent Election Law in BiH”. This was the first time that political parties showed up at this kind of meeting.


A report on official appointment of the new Israeli Prime Minister was followed by reports on meeting between the Syrian leader and the Russian President in Moscow, continuation of clashes in Kashmir and the tense situation in the Northern Ireland.

Banja Luka

A two day seminar on “Three Parties Negotiations and Solving of Work Misunderstandings” began in Banja Luka today. The seminar is organised by the International Work Organisation and the RS Government.


A study on the creation of a joint data base that would provide more efficient monitoring and better access to information was presented today in Sarajevo. The study should help the privatisation process in BiH.

This was followed by a report on an announcement made by the International League of Humanists about three new projects that will take place during this year in Sarajevo, Tuzla and Dubrovnik. OBN reporter, Anes Alic, made the report.


A report on the agreement made between the three national handball associations in BiH about joint competitions for the forthcoming season was followed by reports on the Latin American Cup matches and Tour de France.