
OBN News Review, 5 November 1999



  • Leaders of sixteen countries of the Central European initiative discussed implementation of the Stability Pact in Prague
  • RS Government approved funds for functioning of the Privatisation Hub
  • Workers of BiH metal industry postponed strike for 31st December
  • Serbs and Bosniaks in Foca have been developing plan for return of 3,000 refugees for the first time
  • Russian planes began new strikes on Chechen posts
  • Central bank of Yugoslavia made a decision this morning to stop payment operations between Montenegro and Serbia
  • Topic of TV INFO: Attacks on media and journalists – who is next?


Leaders of sixteen countries of the Central European initiative met in Prague in order to discuss possibilities for the South East Europe Stability Pact implementation. Topics of the discussion are democratic and economic reforms in the countries of this regional initiative and about models of introduction of post-communist countries to the European Union and NATO. The BiH delegation is attending the meeting as well. A meeting of the South East Europe chambers of commerce preceded this meeting. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Adis Saranovic. BiH Foreign Minister, Jadranko Prlic, who is heading the BiH delegation in Prague, said in a telephone call for OBN that an informal meeting of foreign ministers was held today.

Banja Luka

A report on the session of the RS Government held today in Banja Luka. The Government dismissed General Director of the SRT (Radio and Television of the RS), Andjelko Kozomara, and appointed journalist, Slavisa Sabljic. The Government also dismissed the main inspector for education, Vidosav Lolic, who criticised Minister of Education, Nenad Suzic, OBN reporter from Banja Luka, confirmed. The Government also discussed results of the “Stop Smuggling” action.


Preparations for the final arbitrary decision on Brcko have already started. The Commission for the implementation of the decision held its session. Main issues discussed at the session were the Statute of the District, demilitarisation and establishment of multi-ethnic police. Today, the Supervisor for Brcko, Robert Farrand, and the Head of the RS Interior Ministry, Sredoje Novic, met today in Brcko. They agreed to establish the multi-ethnic police by the end of this year. The report on this was produced by OBN reporter from Brcko, Slobodanka Radojkovic.


After negotiations held with the BiH Federation Government Ministry, the Independent Syndicate of Metal Industry Workers decided to postpone the strike announced for November 10th for December 31st. However, workers still ask their requests to be fulfil.


A report on the opening of the mine for exploitation of salt water “Tetima” near Tuzla followed. This means that the chemical factory “Soda-So Holding” do not have to wary about this material next one hundred years. The BiH Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic, attended the ceremony.


Central bank of Yugoslavia made a decision this morning to stop payment operations between Montenegro and Serbia. This was followed by a report on current events in Kosovo. Three people were killed and three children were injured during last 24 hours in Kosovo. Main Prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal, Carla del Ponte, announced she would inform the UN Security Council on the session scheduled for next Wednesday that Croatia was not cooperating with the Hague Tribunal. Reports on current events in Chechenia, East India, China, Indonesia and Algeria followed. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Zeljka Lekic.


Serbs and Bosniaks in Foca have been developing plan for return of 3,000 refugees for the first time. This happened after OHR’s announcement on new property laws. It is expected that the plan will be accepted at some of the following session of the Municipality Assembly. There have not been any return of Bosniaks to Foca to date. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic.

Banja Luka

The Serb Radical Party, which was excluded from the election list by OHR and OSCE, called on the boycott of the local elections. This was announced at the press conference by representatives of the Party, held today in Banja Luka.

Bosanska Krupa

House of the Social Democrat Party Municipality Board President, Ismet Eljazovic, in Bosanska Krupa has been burnt recently by unknown individuals. The case has political impacts due to the general political and social situation in the Una-Sana Canton. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Azra Bajric.

Banja Luka

A report on eviction which took place in Banja Luka today. Approximately 40 police officers were at the site in order to provide security. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Darko Savic.


A piece on the leaflet which occurred in Travnik. The leaflet threats that destroying of the BiH Federation will begin. The Co-minister of the Srednja Bosna Canton, Bare Prslja, said that the leaflet was produced by Islamic terrorist organisation.


Attacks on media and journalists – who is next? The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in BiH organised a discussion on this topic. The report on this issue was produced by OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic. The conclusion was that it was very difficult to practice journalism in BiH.


A report on European football was followed by reports on Paris Open tennis tournament, NBA and the World Championship in rugby.