
OBN News Review, 31 July 1999



  • During his last work day as the High Representative in BiH, Carlos Westendorp, reached a decision on the implementation of five new laws
  • The new High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, gave a statement of his priorities
  • Role of the World Bank and European Commission in implementation of the Stability Pact
  • Belgrade – twenty four towns in Serbia where opposition has majority asked for Slobodan Milosevic’s dismissal


A report on the end of two year mandate of the High Representative in BiH, Carlos Westendorp. After the BiH current authorities were not able to reach decisions on laws vital for further implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the High Representative made decision on his own, according to his mandate. A report on this was produced by OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic.

This was followed by a statement made by the new High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, regarding the priorities in his mandate. The new High Representative said he would not tolerate irresponsibility of the political leadership in BiH. He added he would do everything to secure long-lasting peace and true democracy in BiH. A part of the interview with the new High Representative, made by OBN journalist and presenter, Mujo Delibegovic, was broadcast in TV INFO. The whole interview was broadcast after TV INFO.

A piece on reactions after the two day Summit in Sarajevo where the political leaders from BiH pledged to lead BiH towards Europe. Signing the declaration on the Summit, other participants pledged the same. OBN reporter, Sanjin Beciragic, produced a report on the signed declaration which anticipates further political and economic changes as well as promotion of security in the region.

Regional Coordinator of the World Bank for the South East Europe, Christiaan Poortman, said for TV INFO that they hope, as a result of the Stability Pact, to form a regional fund that would be helped by the World Bank as well as other country donors, members of the Stability Pact, that would enable financing of different regional projects, separate from those that were pledged to each country. OBN reporter, Vedran Persic, produced the report.

This was followed by a report on reactions of the political parties from both BiH to the results of the Summit.

A Day After

A piece on the day after the Summit at Sarajevo Airport, Zetra and in the town. Report on this prodiced OBN reporter, Mirela Pehar.


Reports on Kosovo, Serbia, Colombia, Middle East and Iran were presented.


A report on the democratic initiative of Sarajevo Serbs in Ilidza, near Sarajevo, who organised a chess tournament for all ages. A report was produced by OBN reporter Adis Saranovic.


A report on the difficult living conditions of people in Srebrenica, mostly Serb population. This was confirmed by OBN reporter from Srebrenica, Zeljko Pantelic.


A piece on training dogs in Bihac. The dogs will help deminers in mine clearing in the area. A report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Azra Bajric.


A report on the beginning of the World Chess Championship in Las Vegas was followed by reports on the European Championship in swimming in Istanbul, international football and Formula One.