- The B&H Olympic Team went to Sidney, for the 27th Olympic Games
- The High Representative proclaimed invalid a set of laws on restitution in the RS
- Authorities of Banja Luka are against refugee camps in the town
- The RS Assembly adopted a package of economic measures
The B&H Olympic Team, consisted of sportsmen from the whole country, went to Sidney today, after two years of preparations. They will arrive in Sidney on Saturday. Reported by Adnan Burazerovic.
The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch proclaimed invalid the following RS laws: the Law on restitution of property and compensation, the Law on restitution of real estates and the Law on restitution of property. Mirna Sadikovic produced the report.
International diplomates visited 6 returnee settlements in Capljina and Foca, Vedran Persic reported.
Banja Luka
City authorities in Banja Luka are against refugee camps of Bosniacs in the town. City authorities met representatives of the Association “Ostanak” and the RS Urban Institute. They agreed that land should be distributed to refugees and displaced persons in Banja Luka municipality.
Banja Luka
The Senior Deputy High Representative, Ralph Johnson visited Banja Luka today. He met the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik. “I think that we would react very negatively if someone tried to politicise the situation, and prevent the real return”, Mr. Johnson said, talking about announced moving of mudzahedins from Bocinja to Srebrenica and Bratunac. “It would be best if they returned to where they came from”, Mr. Dodik said.
The International Mediator, Christian Schwartzschilling organised a press conference today, after he had visited 10 municipalities in B&H. “The International Community must not support double standards. The rule of law has to be established here”, Mr. Schilling said. An agreement was made on fast implementation of property laws in Sanski Most and the “Centar” municipality in Sarajevo. Reported by Svjetlana Celic.
The B&H Council of Ministers organised a session today. The Chairman of the Council, Spasoje Tusevljak did not give any information to journalists. Danijela Bozic produced the report.
The USA allocated $1,8 billion to Columbia, for fight against drug dealing.
The trial to the former Indonesian President Suharto was postponed, due to health problems.
The German Chancellor Gerhard Schreder demanded introduction of severe measures against Germans who are hostile to foreigners.
The Croatian President, Stipe Mesic condemned the murder of the ICTY witness, Milan Levar.
According to a witness, the former President of Serbia, Ivan Stambolic was kidnapped by two armed men.
The Military Court in Belgrade prolonged detention of two British and two Canadian citizens, who have been accused of attempted act of terrorism. Adis Saranovic produced the report on world events.
Banja Luka
Bodies of 7 Iranians who drowned in the river Sava on Monday were found. They tried to cross from B&H to Croatia illegally. 3 children were among them. Efficient measures cannot be carried out, due to lack of cooperation between the Croatian and RS border police, Milorad Milojevic confirmed.
Banja Luka
Delegates at the RS Assembly adopted a pack of economic measures for prevention of budget deficit. The 12th regular Parliament session has been scheduled on 7th September.
The Federal Government organised a session in Mostar. At the IMF‘s request, they adopted a set of measures against tax evasion and frauds. Global damage estimate caused by drought is KM 271 million.
The Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic met delegation of parents of the missing B&H soldiers. They were taken away from “Vranica” building on 9th May 1993. There were no information about them ever since.
According to the latest information, more than 120 people in the Federation have Q-fever. The problem of infected animals has not been solved yet. Sevko Bajic produced the report.
Reports on football and WTN tennis tournament in Mostar were presented.