
OBN News Review, 30 May 2000



  • The RS Assembly refused the proposal of the Radical Party to condemn the arrest of Momcilo Krajisnik
  • Will the prices of fuel in the Federation of B&H rise?
  • The construction of a highway between Sarajevo and Zenica is still uncertain
  • Croatia has officially become a member of Partnership for Peace


Damir Kaletovic produced a piece on a new candidate for the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Spasoje Tusevljak. “My appointment will be certain only when Parliament agrees with it”, Tusevljak said.


The Temporary Election Commission adopted rules and regulations for the general elections that will take place in the autumn. “With the adoption of open-list-systems and with the addition of multi-member-constituencies, Government will be more transparent and much more accountable to the people”, said Tanya Domi, the OSCE Spokesperson. Reported by Vedran Persic.

Banja Luka

The RS Assembly session continued today. Delegates at the Assembly refused the proposal of the Radical Party to condemn the arrest of Momcilo Krajisnik. The Assembly adopted a conclusion that refugees from the RS in Croatia will get back occupancy rights only after refugees from Croatia, who presently live in the RS, get the same right. Marko Arsovic took an oath as the new RS Supreme Judge.

The Hague

The RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik met Momcilo Krajisnik and most of the Serb prisoners in The Hague, said Krstan Simic, who also visited The Hague. “We think that the indicted war criminals in the RS should first be given a chance to prove that they are innocent”, Simic said. He suggested that the RS arrest and prosecute the indicted war criminals.


The NATO Parliamentary Assembly accepted Croatia as a member of Partnership for Peace at a session in Budapest.

The US President started his 7-day-visit to Europe. At the end of the week, he should, for the first time, meet the Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

After a three-month-break, the regional Protestant-Catholic Government is active again in Northern Ireland. The IRA accepted prolongation of the deadline for disarmament until July 2001.

The Fiji Army appointed the new Prime Minister. Rebels haven’t released the former Prime Minister and his Government yet.

The UNHCR claims that thousands of refugees passed across the border between Eritrea and Sudan within the last 24 hours. Gordana Frimel produced the report on current world events.


The Minister of Energy, Industry and Mining, Mirsad Salkic submitted a request for increase of prices of fuel in the Federation. The Association of Fuel Tradesmen expect that the Government will approve the increase of prices by 25%, in order to stabilise the market situation. The report was produced by Sanjin Beciragic.


Construction of the highway between Sarajevo and Zenica is still uncertain. The French company “Buig” still demands loan guarantees for the construction. At the moment, they are negotiating with 7 banks. The construction should have started in April. “It seems that the problem has a political background”, said a “Buig” representative. Government and “Buig” representatives met today. Journalists weren’t allowed to enter the building. The report was produced by Amarildo Gutic.


The international exhibition “Expo 2000” will be opened in Hanover tomorrow. 192 countries will participate at the exhibition. B&H is one of them. Themes of the exhibition will be: man, nature and technique. It will be open for the next five months. Reported by Slobodan Maksimovic.


The traditional exhibition “Construction and Reconstruction” was opened today in Sarajevo. 450 exhibitors from 16 countries will participate at the exhibition, Meliha Hasanbegovic confirmed.


Results of the 3rd International Business Forum “Perspectives” Conference, that took place in Sarajevo, were presented today. One of the conclusions was that B&H has an uncertain and dangerous economy, and that donations are constantly decreasing. The privatisation process is slow and has many irregularities, and banks don’t gain any profits. That’s why the bank transformation is necessary. Reported by Anes Alic.


At the PIC Conference in Brussels, the International Community defined the deadline until September of this year for balancing teaching programmes in B&H. “This is one of the conditions of membership of B&H in the Council of Europe”, said Matei Hoffman, the Senior Deputy of the High Representative. “The International Community will not tolerate any obstruction”, he added. The report was produced by Mirna Sadikovic.


The library and museum of the Franciscan Monastery in Fojnica were closed today. They are dangerous for visitors, and urgent reconstruction is necessary. They will remain closed until someone provides aid for reconstruction.


Reports on local football and basketball, international tennis and NBA league were presented.