
OBN News Review, 28 April 2000



  • Ganic, Mujezinovic, Arapcic and Rascic have to resign, decided the SDA
  • The indicted war criminal, Dragan Nikolic pleaded as not guilty before the Hague Tribunal
  • A Belgrade businessman Zoran Uskokovic was killed yesterday
  • Games about the General Collective Agreement continue


There was a scandal in the Clinical Centre in Sarajevo. Dr Volonek was not allowed to operate 3-year-old Ema Becirovic without any charges. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.


On today’s meeting of the SDA Board, they voted non-confidence in the Federation President, Ejup Ganic, the Tuzla Canton President, Mr Arapcic,the Sarajevo Canton President, Mr Mujezinovic and the Bosansko-podrinjski Canton President, Mr Rascic. They were recommended to resign. The report was produced by OBN journalist Sanjin Beciragic.

The Hague

The indicted war criminal, Dragan Nikolic pleaded as not guilty before the Hague Tribunal. The indictment consists of 80 points. Nikolic’s lawyer will be appointed next week, confirmed the “Sense” correspondent, Vjera Bogati.


The Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic will demand the Government to pass an amendment to the General Collective Contract text. The Union President, Sulejman Hrle, who signed the Contract with Bicakcic, didn’t say how the Union will react in case of the Contract cancellation. The report was produced by Mirna Sadikovic.


The Council of Europe envoys visited Sarajevo today. One of the envoys, Laszlo Surjan said that conditions for B&H membership to the Council of Europe were not changed. As soon as the situation here is satisfactory, we will send a report to the Council of Europe, Surjan added. OBN reporter Vedran Persic produced the report.


The American Ambassador in B&H Thomas Miller visited Travnik today. He met the Middle-Bosnia Canton Governor, Adnan Terzic at 7,30 a.m. “As far as I know, things go quite well here”, said Ambassador Miller. “It is encouraging to see how Bosniacs and Croats work together”, he added. Foreign investors will give their money in places where there is a good co-operation, said Miller. Reported by Vanja Elezovic.


The border police in Brcko District function very well. Citizens who use the border crossing between B&H and Croatia are satisfied. There haven’t been any problems so far. The report was produced by Slobodanka Radojkovic.


Medicines of expired duration were burned in Lukavac. Citizens reported this to the police. The medicines belonged to the company “Fethi Lijek”. The company will be penalised for negligence, said Muamer Hajdarevic, the Canton Inspector for environment protection. Reported by Adis Nisic.


The Company “15 April” employees have continued their strike. They demand the director’s resignation and their salaries. Employees blame their director, Faruk Beganovic for their difficult situation. He refused to appear in front of the camera. The report was produced by OBN reporter Anes Alic.


The Belgrade Businessman Zoran Uskokovic- Skole was killed in Belgrade yesterday. According to some media, he was related to the murder of Zeljko Raznatovic-Arkan.

The UN Security Council Delegation participated in the work of Temporary Administrative Council for Kosovo.

Albanians continued their protests in Pristina, demanding the release of Albanian prisoners in Serbia.

The UN and Sweden signed an agreement in the Hague, providing the expert staff to the Hague Tribunal for the investigation in Kosovo.

There was no progress in Russian-American negotiations about disarmament.

The drama of kidnapped tourists in Malaysia continues. The Philippine Army is ready to intervene, if the negotiations fail.

The report on current world events was produced by Gordana Frimel.

Banja Luka

Nedeljka Breberina produced a piece on celebration of orthodox Good Friday in Banja Luka.


Reports on international football and local basketball and fieldball were presented.