
OBN News Review, 27 June 1999



  • New incidents in Kosovo
  • UNHCR announces organized refugee return from the camps in Macedonia and Albania
  • Muslims visited the holy place Ajvatovica today
  • Topics of TV INFO: Return to Prijedor
  • Life of blind and half-blind people in BiH


NATO announced that the security in Kosovo would be easier to control if the sending of new troops was speeded up. KFOR continues to deploy its troops in the places with predominantly Serb population. However, a number of new incidents has occurred. Spokesman of the International Troops in Kosovo announced that a humanitarian worker and his interpreter were murdered last night in Pristina. Both of them were employed by OSCE.

In his interview for BBC, the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, said that the UN could appoint a new head of civil administration in Pristina as soon as next week. There are a few candidates for the position. The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, suggested Paddy Ashdown, one of the leading British politicians. The UN Secretary General asked for money for reconstruction of Serbia explaining that in contrary, a new humanitarian catastrophe would threaten the Balkans.


The Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH, Robert Barry, recently called for the opening of the South East European institute for Security Studies in Sarajevo as a part of the Pact of Stability project. Security studies ended today at the OSCE’s seminar, Barry stressed that the opening of the institute was a key instrument for finding an effective solution of security problem in the area.

This was followed by a report on the two day visit of the Prime Minister of Nordhein – Westfalen, the German federal state, to BiH. Adviser for the Foreign Policy in the Government of this largest German federal state, Henry Cordes, said for TV INFO, that Germany is interested in the economic recovery of BiH.

The BiH Presidency member, Alija Izetbegovic, was presented with the special award for promotion of human rights. The award was handed over yesterday at the political forum in Crans Montana in Switzerland. The ONASA Agency announced that other winners of the prize were, the leader of the Democratic Association of Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova, the ex Russian Prime Minister, Victor Chernomyrdin, and the US human rights activist, Jessie Jackson.


A piece on the court investigation of an incident, occurred a year ago when the Mayor of the Drvar Municipality, Mile Marceta, was attacked. This was followed by a report on the process of return to the Municipality. OBN reporter from Drvar, Biljana Kovacic, produced the report.


A report on the return to the Hambarine village in the Prijedor Municipality. The village was completely destroyed during the war and the pre-war residents started returning on their own initiative a month ago. Approximately 300 returnees clear up destroyed houses every day.

This was followed by a report on the return to the whole of the Prijedor Municipality. The pre-war inhabitants have returned without the approval of the RS local authorities or reconstruction of their destroyed houses, OBN reporter, Milena Letic – Joves, confirms.


A round table meeting was held in Bijeljina today. The participants of the meeting were representatives of Displaced Persons and Refugees Associations in BiH and non-governmental organizations.

Blind People in BiH

Today, the RS Association of the Blind People marked the Day of Blind People and 50th anniversary of the Banja Luka Association of Blind People. A report on the problems of this category of population was followed by a piece on blind people in the BiH Federation. Reports on this issue came from Banja Luka and Cazin.


A report on the protests of the Croatian Farmers Association who blocked the main Croatian roads in Croatia. The Association asked that international products imported be stopped.


The 490th manifestation “Days of Ajvatovica” was held today. Approximately 50,000 people gathered on this Muslim holy place. OBN reporter, Sevko Bajic, produced the report.


A piece on the manifestation “Young People against the War” organized in Sarajevo today. The participants were from the whole of BiH.


A report on the results from the European Championship in basketball was followed by a report on the Formula One races and international football games.


A report on the children’s music festival in Mostar organized by the Pavaroti Music Center. Media sponsor of the event was OBN. During the following few days, viewers will be able to watch in on OBN.