- Croatia and B&H prepared a joint project for construction of the road between Ploce and Budapest
- After yesterday’s incident in Kotorsko, the road was de-blocked today
- The US President, Bill Clinton received a prize for his contribution to peace and unity in Europe
- Pensioners in the RS organised a protest in Banja Luka
Croatia and B&H prepared a joint project for construction of the road between Ploce and Budapest. B&H should get an alternative gas supply through Croatia. The Croatian Minister for construction, Radimir Cacic emphasised the need to liberalise trade between the two countries. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.
The B&H Foreign Minister, Jadranko Prlic visited Slovakia yesterday. He met the Prime Minister of Slovakia. They discussed the improvement of economic co-operation between the two countries.
Representatives of the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce visited B&H today.
“I think it’s a handicap that you don’t have any goods that we currently need, and that we might buy from you”, said Tomaz Moze, representative of the Chamber of commerce from the Kopar region. This was another unofficial meeting between B&H and Croatia, without any concrete results, Slobodan Maksimovic confirmed.
The Chairman of the B&H Presidency, Alija Izetbegovic met the former Bulgarian President, Zeljo Zelev. Mr Zelev is now Chairman of the Foundation for development of democracy and peace in Balkan. In an interview produced by OBN journalist, Adis Saranovic, Mr Zelev said that the Foundation initiated establishment of the Balkan Political Club. “The situation in Balkan is specific, and problems cannot be solved by standard methods”, Mr. Zelev said. “The Club has three aims: to regenerate a new vision of the region, to support large European projects in Balkan and to finance these projects”, he added.
After four hours of negotiations, Serb and Bosniac representatives reached an agreement in Kotorsko, with the help of international mediators. During the next week, representatives of Serb refugees should agree with Zenica Canton officials on their visit to their homes in Vozuca. It was also agreed that Bosniac returnees would continue the reconstruction of their houses. The report was produced by Sevko Bajic.
The US President Bill Clinton visited Germany. He received the award “Carlo the Great” for his contribution in maintaining peace in B&H. The German Chancellor, Gerhard Schreder expressed his worry because of the new US rocket system.
Negotiations between Israel and Palestine continued.
Clashes between “Tamil tigers” and Government forces in Shri Lanka continued.
Rebels in Philippines promised that they would release all hostages, but they demanded $ 1 million for each hostage.
Leader of the military coup in Fiji promised that he would release the Prime Minister and a few ministers on Sunday.
The Japanese Prime Minister announced that the general elections should take place on 25th of June. The piece on current world events was produced by Mladen Maric.
Banja Luka
Pensioners organised a protest in Banja Luka today. They demanded adoption of laws which would regulate their status, as well as resignation of Svetozar Mihajlovic, the Director of Fund for pension insurance. The report was produced by Sanela Zivkovic.
200 employees of the company “Sana San” in Prijedor are on strike. They demand resignation of the director. They haven’t received their salaries for several months. Reported by Milena Letic-Joves.
Since the 15th of May, employees of the company “Ziko” have been on strike. The Company Director didn’t allow OBN journalists to record production machines. The Company Administrative Board will have a session today, and discuss the current situation, Mustafa Mujanovic confirmed.
Banja Luka
Biljana Arsic produced a piece on the company “INCEL” in Banja Luka, whose employees have also been on strike for a few days.
The Temporary Election Commission put the rule on multi-member-constituencies in the draft election law. “This is an important step towards the implementation of democratic reforms”, said the Head of the OSCE Mission, Robert Barry. Reported by Anes Alic.
Blazica Kristo produced a piece on difficult situation of students in Mostar. On the last session at the Mostar University, it was decided that regular students would not pay for their education in the next year.
Gordana Frimel produced a piece on exhibition of painter Ismar MujezinovicA that was opened today in Sarajevo.
Reports on international tennis and Formula I competition were presented.