
OBN News Review, 19 March 2000



  • Sadako Ogata in Banja Luka said that a key to the problem of return of refugees between BiH and Croatia lies in the harmonisation of property laws of the two countries
  • A session of the RS Government
  • NATO‘s maneuver “Dynamic Response 2000” begun in Kosovo
  • The Taiwan Army still in the state of alert
  • Will Mladen Naletilic (Tuta) be handed over to the Hague Tribunal on March 21st?
  • A topic of the independent intellectuals association “Circle 99” meeting was: “Why more and more young people leave Bosnia and Herzegovina?”

Banja Luka

Yesterday, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata, met with the representatives of refugee Serbs from the Republic of Croatia behind closed doors and visited Bosniak returnees in the Hambarine village near Prijedor. Today, the UN High Commissioner met with the RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, and the RS Minister of Refugees and Displaced Persons, Miladin Dragicevic. Ms. Sadako stressed that a key to the problem of return of refugees problem between BiH and Croatia lies in the harmonisation of property laws of the two countries. Ms. Ogata will visit Drvar and Sarajevo in BiH, and Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Albania afterwards. The report from Banja Luka for TV INFO was produced by Darko Savic.

This was followed by a piece on yesterday’s visit of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata, to the returnees in the Hambarine village near Prijedor. The Mayor of Sanski Most, Sakib Lemes, said he was disappointed with a slow return of Bosniaks to the RS and worried for their security. He claims that the violence has increased lately and that the RS municipality authorities do nothing to protect them. The President of the Prijedor Municipality, Branislav Maric, denied the allegations. OBN reporter from the area, Suzana Vukcevic, confirmed.

The RS Government held its session in Banja Luka today. The RS Prime Minister, Milorad Dodik, said that today’s meeting was a preparation for tomorrow’s session of the RS National Assembly.

The UN Spokesperson for the Banja Luka – Bihac region, Allun Roberts, announced that the local police, monitored by IPTF, found in the factory “Glama” in Glamoc, a large store full of hidden humanitarian aid for illegal trade. The Secretary of Red Cross in Glamoc said that the aid was meant for a bigger number of returnees in the area.


The Croatian press reports that Mladen Naletilic (Tuta), indicted for war crimes by the Hague Tribunal, will probably be handed over to the Tribunal on Tuesday, March 21st. Currently, Mladen Naletilic is undergoing medical treatment in the Zagreb hospital “Rebro”. The report from Zagreb for TV INFO was produced by Gordana Simonovic.


The ministers of foreign affairs of the EU member countries will meet in Brussels tomorrow in order to discuss changes in the sanctions imposed against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It is expected that the more strict financial sanctions will be imposed. In Kosovo, NATO‘s maneuver “Dynamic Response 2000” begun. Some 2,100 soldiers participated in the maneuver. In Chechnya, Russian troops continue their search for the rest of the Chechen guerillas. The Interfax Agency reported that Chechen guerillas have been hiding in the mountains and that they attacked control points of the Russian Army last night. Taiwan decided to keep its troops in a state of alert. This was announced by the Spokesperson of the Taiwan Defence Ministry. The Israeli Government approved the maps of the territories which will be handed over to Palestinians. OBN journalist, Adis Saranovic, produced the piece on current events in the world.


An item on the allegations that some members of HVO receive double salaries, including the BiH Presidency Member, Ante Jelavic. The BiH Federation Ministry of Defence and the Ante Jelavic Cabinet announced that this was a media lynching and tries to misinform the public. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Sanjin Beciragic.

Banja Luka

A piece on the meeting of the association “Ostanak”. The members of the association are not satisfied with the activities of the Banja Luka local authorities regarding the refugees and displaced persons who want to stay in the RS. The report from the area for TV INFO was produced by Sanela Zivkovic.


A topic of Sunday’s independent intellectuals association “Circle 99” meeting was: “Why more and more young people leave Bosnia and Herzegovina?”. The main reasons for that were bad political and economic relations in the country. Only 30% of the young people population in Bosnia and Herzegovina have registered for the forthcoming local elections. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic.

Banja Luka

Experimental methods of teaching have been started in some of the Banja Luka elementary schools. Parents have been included in this process. The project has been started with the support of CRS. The report was produced by OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Biljana Arsic.


Experts claim that the process of de-mining in the RS will last at least ten years. The summer campaign of de-mining will start very soon. Last year’s campaign was assessed as successful and the participants expect that this year’s will be successful too, OBN reporter from the area, Slobodanka Radojkovic, confirmed.


A piece on the lack of drinking water in the Zavidovici area was produced by Mladen Vujic.


An item on the art exhibition “Hungarian Mythology” was produced by Slobodan Maksimovic.


Reports on local football, international skiing and jumps, and a motorcycle race were presented.