- The murder of Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan) – reactions and speculations
- Vitez – a protest of Srednja-Bosna Croats due to the verdicts of the Hague Tribunal on the “Vitez group”
- “Circle 99” meeting – What should be done in order to provide an equal status to the handicapped people in society?
- Another group of BiH police officers has been sent to training in Gratz
- Chechenia – severest fights for the last couple of days
Murder of Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan)
The murder of Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan) had caused a number of reactions in Serbia and in abroad. The Serbian opposition parties think that the murderers will not be found. The President of the Democratic Party, Zoran Djindjic, said that this case had shown how dangerous a place for living Belgrade is. The Serb Movement for Restoration announced that this case confirmed that a state terrorism had been existing in Serbia. The USA and UK expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that Arkan was murdered and not prosecuted by the International Crime Tribunal in Hague. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Mladen Maric.
This was followed by a report from Brussels produced for TV INFO by Mirko Klarin. The reporter confirmed that before the Hague Tribunal Main Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, removes Zeljko Raznjatovic’s (Arkan) name from the Hague list of those accused for war crimes, they would wait for some sort of an official confirmation from Belgrade that Arkan was really murdered. This was announced today by the Hague Tribunal Spokesperson today. However, getting this kind of confirmation could be very hard because the authorities in Belgrade have been refusing any kind of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.
Sarajevo / Banja Luka
The retired General of the BiH Army who participated in the war, Jovan Divjak, gave his comment regarding the murder of Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan). He said that he would be more glad if he had heard that Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan) was sent to the Hague where he would testify about his crimes in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.
This was followed by reactions of the citizens from Sarajevo and Banja Luka about the murder of Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan). The biggest number of Banja Luka citizens said that the murder of Zeljko Raznjatovic (Arkan) can not be justified, OBN reporter from Banja Luka confirmed.
On the highway between Zenica and Travnik, a half-hour peaceful protest was organised by the Srednja Bosna Croats. They protested because of the decision of the Hague Tribunal to sentence five Croats, from the “Vitez group”, to long prison sentences. They claim that the verdicts were not fair. The report was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Vanja Elezovic.
The Association of Independent Intellectuals, “Circle 99”, held their Sunday meeting. They discussed what should be done in order to provide an equal status to the handicapped people in society. In many cases, handicapped people were on their own in solving problems of every-day life. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Amarildo Gutic.
Another group of thirty BiH police officers has been sent to three weeks training in Gratz. These police officers should be a cornerstone of the state border service in the future. They will undergo 21 day expert training in the Austrian State Academy. The organizer of the journey is IPTF. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Adis Saranovic.
Very severe fights for the last couple of days have been conducted near Grozny and in the South of Chechenia. The Russian Prime Minister and the Acting President, Vladimir Putin, admitted that the Russian generals have made several mistakes regarding the conducting of military operations in Chechenia. This was followed by a report on the clashes in Colombia, the severest fights in this country for the last six months. In the clashes between the left-wing rebels and the Government troops near the capital, some 50 people were killed. Reports on the presidential elections in Chile and the repeating of the parliamentary elections in 11 voting stations in Croatia were presented. The report on current events in the world was produced by OBN journalist, Mladen Maric.
Republic of Croatia
The guest of TV INFO presenter, Jasminka Sipka, was Bakir Hadziomerovic, OBN journalist who had just returned from the Republic of Croatia. The OBN journalist said that the most interesting story regarding the Croatian political scene was a division within the HDZ party. He added that it seemed that at this moment, the Acting President of HDZ party, Vladimir Seks, had a leading role in the HDZ policy. He added that before the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Croatia, Mate Granic, was the most serious presidential candidate. However, he made a mistake when he decided to be a candidate as the HDZ representative, instead of on his own, and that decreased his popularity.
This was followed by statements of four candidates for the President of the Republic of Croatia, Stipe Mesic, Mate Granic, Anto Djapic and Drazen Budisa, about their relations towards Bosnia and Herzegovina.
OBN crew, headed by the journalist, Slobodan Maksimovic, visited Hungary and produced a report on that.
A report on international skiing was presented.