- Oil refinery in Bosanski Brod was the main topic of the RS National Assembly discussion
- Anti Bosniak posters in Mostar
- Protest of Srebrenica people in Sarajevo – they demand the UN to present a report on what was happening in Srebrenica during the war
- Hague Tribunal increased sentence of Dusan Tadic to 25 years in prison
- BiH Council of Ministers was hardly attended by enough number of members for a discussion on key issues
- Topic of TV INFO: Why 388 medical staff from Zenica want to go to Saudi Arabia?
Banja Luka
Oil refinery in Bosanski Brod damaged the RS budget for 28 million DEM. This was announced at the RS National Assembly session in Banja Luka today. Member of the Board of the RS Oil Industry, Zivko Radisic, said that no one who was involved in the affair would get amnesty. He added that the continuity of the production had to be maintained. Most of the representatives in the National Assembly considered the report made by the Internal Ministry incomplete, OBN reporter from Banja Luka, Tatjana Lajsic, confirmed.
Posters with offensive content for Bosniaks and words “occupiers”, referring to SFOR, appeared last night in West Mostar. After Bosniak authorities representatives accused Croat representatives for taking over the Grammar School in Mostar to be attended only by Croat pupils, the mayor of Mostar, Ivan Prskalo, answered that the school had bee opened for all pupils. In the meantime, SFOR continues its action of reviewing materials confiscated in West Mostar a month ago. The Spokesman of SFOR said they would start up the investigation regarding the posters. The report was produced by OBN journalist, Vedran Persic and OBN reporter from Mostar, Pejo Gasparevic.
People from Srebrenica have protested in Sarajevo again. In front of the UN Headquarters in Sarajevo they requested a report on what was happening in Srebrenica during the war and destiny of 10,000 missing inhabitants of Srebrenica. Special Envoy of the UN General Secretary in BiH, Jacques Klein, said that the protest showed real emotions of Srebrenica people. The protestors accused the International Community for not doing more to finally discover a truth about their tragedy. The protestors were promised that the UN report would be announced in the second half of December The report was produced by OBN reporter, Sevko Bajic.
The Hague
A report on the decision of the Hague Tribunal to increase sentence of Dusan Tadic to 25 years in prison for war crimes committed in the Prijedor area in 1992. The first sentence of ten years in prison was decreased upon the request of prosecution because of additional nine accusations, Mirko Klarin confirmed for OBN from the Hague.
On the South of Italy, a six floor building collapsed this morning due to bad construction. Italian television announced that there were approximately 80 people in the building in the moment of the collapse. This was followed by a report on current events in Chechenia. Russian Minister of Defence said that there was a possibility for ending fights by the end of this year. A report on the adoption of a law on special rights and responsibilities of the President by the Serbian Assembly followed. This law provides Serbian President with life insurance after his mandate expires.
US President will shorten his visit to Greece for one day and visit Kosovo within his forthcoming European tour. It was announced that Croatian President Franjo Tudjman, who has been treated for last eleven days in a Zagreb hospital, had internal bleeding last night. This was followed by reports on current events in Pakistan and Middle East.
A report on the session of the BiH Council of Ministers. This was another session of the Council without concrete results, OBN reporter, Bakir Hadziomerovic, confirmed.
This was followed by a report on the BiH Assembly House of Peoples session held today. The House of Peoples did not support election draft law made by OSCE. The representatives said that the discussion on the issue has just begun, OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic, confirmed.
BiH Banks
A piece on the BiH banks and lack of laws which would regulate banking operations in the country. Forty per cent of credits awarded to BiH private and state companies have not be paid off. The report on this was produced by OBN reporters, Amarildo Gutic and Anes Alic. This was followed by a report on the “Privredna banka” from Bihac and problems the bank faced with regarding paying off credits.
BiH Federation Government offered a compromise to the workers of textile, leather and shoe industry who recently protested due to their difficult economic position. The Syndicate is satisfy with the offered solution. Now, the promise has to be fulfilled. The report was produced by OBN reporter, Slobodan Maksimovic.
Three hundred eighty eight medical staff from Zenica submitted their applications to go to work in Saudi Arabia. Among them, there are 69 medical doctors, OBN reporter from the area, Koraljka Kurcenberger, reported. At the extraordinary session held today, representatives of the municipality authorities discussed the issue. Medical staff explain their decisions with the lack of appropriate accommodation in the town and their difficult situation.
Banja Luka
A report on invalids in the RS and their difficult position was produced by OBN reporter from the area, Darko Savic.
A report on football was followed by a report on NBA.