- In Potocari the commemmorative meeting was held on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the masssacre in Srebrenica, that UN considers the worst misdeed since the Second World War in Europe
- “Until the election law passes there will not be any more missions of the Council of Europe to B&H”, said an envoy of the Council of Europe
- Strikes in the Mostar company “Hepok” and in the Energoinvest department ” Livnica”
- The House of People of the Parlamentary Assembly accepted the standing orders on work
Some 50 buses arrived in Potocari without any problems. Some 3000 people performed their religious services for those that were killed and disappeared in Srebrenica in July 1995. ” We are here to face the truth about us and them, said Muslim Cleric Mustafa Ceric.
The members of the Presidency of B&H Alija Izetbegovic and Ante Jelavic, The High Representative Wolfgang Petrizch, Head of the UN mission in B&H Jacques Klein and representatives of the diplomatic community were present at this commemorative assembly. The officals said nothing. The reasons – this was a highly risky event. Vedran Persic produced the report.
The house of a Bosniak Ibro Bakalevic was burned this morning. The perpetrator is unknown and this is not the first time that his house was burned. Police promised an early investigation. From the early morning there were a few hundred people in the centre of Bratunac. SFOR units, local and international police forces were strengthened by the police forces from Banja Luka and other parts of RS. But when the buses were passing there was only verbal truble. Unofficially a woman was arrested because she threw stones at buses. The Police of RS and Federation, SFOR and IPTF worked together very succesfully to ensure that people go to Srebrenica safely. The report was produced by Amarildo Gutic>
Banja Luka
About various reactions of the parties from RS on commemorative assemble in Potocari, the report was produced by Sanela Zivkovic.
Retrospective on massacre in Srebrenica
The story on how the massacre happened in Srebrenica. Danijela Bozic went back on how it was from the first day until now.
In the last three days, in the territory of Brcko district there were three incidents that must be condemned. The chief of Police department in Brcko district, Dusko Kokanovic, condemned these incidents, but he said nothing because of the investigation process. The report was produced by Slobodanka Radojkovic.
Laszlo Surjan, an envoy of the Council of Europe told that without the passing of the election law there is no acceptance of B&H in the Council of Europe. Mr Surjan and Mr Tusevljak held a meeting behind closed doors. The chairmain of the Council of Ministers B&H said that there are no dilemmas about accepting B&H in the Council of Europe, but only if the election law passes. The decision of the Constitutional Court must be included in the election law. Mr Surjan also said:” A political will is something that is missing in B&H and that is something that could be changed.” Sanjin Beciragic produced the report.
157 workers from the Mostar company “Hepok” have not received salaries since the New Year. This company is now in a very critical position. The president of the Trade Union of B&H, Sulejman Hrle and president of the Trade Union of agriculture and tobacco industry, Mehmed Avdagic were in this company today. They gave their full support to the requests of the workers that want: appointment of the managing director, paying of the earned salaries, and the appointment of a Steering Board. ” This company has a great importance for the canton”, said Sulejman Hrle. The report was produced by Alisa Dzebo.
Since the end of the war, the workers of Energoinvest department ” Livnica” have been on strike 15 times. None of the requests by the workers was fulfilled. From 10 requests the workers are asking for 9 salaries that were not paid to them and subsistence meal. The Board of Energoinvest did nothing so the workers decided to block the way into the building. Anes Alic produced the report.
The presidents of the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Montenegro and Croatia held a meeting in Dubrovnik. President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic who met today with the presidents Croatia, The Czech Republic, Slovenia in Dubrovnik and informed them of the changes of the Constitution of FRY that caused a new crisis in the region. Spokeing for the press, he said that Montenegro will wait for some time on a referendum on independence. The three presidents made a joint statement saying that they are very much concerned because of the situation in FRY. They also said that only the citizens of Serbia and Montenegro can decide on the fate of FRY and not a man accused for war crimes. Reported by the Agency “Stina” correspondent, Goran Vezic.
George Robertson, the chief secretary of NATO, does not expect that the president of FRY, Slobodan Milosevic will attack Montenegro. NATO is aware of the situation in Montenegro, but Robertson did not give any details of possibilities of attacking Montenegro.
Leaders of Serbian opposition parties met in Belgrade and announced their visit to Podgorica. They want to meet with Montenegrian authorities and to talk with them about the changes in the Constitution of FRY. Oppositional parties condemned those changes.
Izraeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian leader Yaser Arafat are starting negotiations in Camp David near Washington, with the help of American president Bill Clinton. The duration of the negotiations is not known, but it is possible that they will stay in Camp David this week.
Bashar Al-Asad is the new president of Syria. He got 97% of votes at the referendum.
Police confronted protesters in Port Down, in Ireland. Two people were injured.
The report was produced by Adis Saranovic.
The House of People accepted the standing orders on work with the condition of making changes in all technical and language mistakes. Drago Ljubicic, the chairman of the House of People of Parlamentary Assembly said that these standing orders have more details. Adis Saranovic produced the report.
Representatives of the House of the People of the Federal Parlament accepted the report on the work of Federal Prosecutor’s Office, but they also want to have the report on work in the first 6 months. On today’s session they also spoke about the proposal on the restitution law. Sevko Bajic produced the report.
Banja Luka
The Steering Board of the Economic chamber RS talked today about the law on an international – trading chamber, that was suggested by The Ministry of Foreign Trade of B&H. Economic workers from RS accepted a number of amendments on this law. Nedeljka Berberina produced the report.
Banja Luka
International humanitarian organisation CRS signed an agreement with the Ministry of Helath of RS and confirmed that it will help the social cases of RS in the following year. Sanja Srdic produced the report.
Reports on handball, football and international cycling Tour de France were presented.