
OBN News Review, 10 October 2000



  • “Democratic changes in Yugoslavia will have a positive influence on B&H”, said the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch
  • Serbs visited their homes in Bocinja; there were no incidents
  • Teachers in the RS announced suspension of work
  • Affair with Swiss and Austrian surgeons continues

Banja Luka

“Democratic changes in Yugoslavia will have a positive influence on B&H”, the High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch said in Banja Luka. “I believe that problems with visas will be much smaller after introduction of single passports”, Mr Petritsch said. Mr. Petritsch met economists from private sector in Banja Luka. Reported by Tatjana Lajsic.


The High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch made a decision on status of Zepce municipality. According to the decision, Zepce will be integrated into Zenicko-Dobojski Canton. An Interim Board has been appointed, Sevko Bajic reported.


The High Representative appointed a supervisor for Zepce, Richard Williams, whose task will be to balance Croat and Bosniac standpoints in all important issues. HDZ generally accepted the decision. According to some information, SDA finds the decision unacceptable. OBN reporter, Damir Kaletovic unsuccessfully tried to contact some of SDA members.


About 120 Serbs visited their homes in Bocinja yesterday. There were no serious incidents, Mirna Sadikovic reported.

Banja Luka

The RS Union for education, science and culture announced a strike on 23rd October. They demand monthly salaries and changes in the Collective Contract. The Union is not satisfied with the work of the RS Ministry of Education. The RS Government will discuss the issue tomorrow. The report was produced by Sanela Zivkovic.


The French Foreign Minister met the new Yugoslav President, Vojislav Kostunica in Belgrade. The UN delegation also visited Yugoslavia and announced a concrete aid for reconstruction of the country. Representatives of DOS, SPS and SPO met today in order to discuss composition of the Interim Government.

NATO announced that they would not withdraw their forces from the Balkans after democratic changes in Serbia. Reported by Gordana Frimel.


The Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat rejected the Israeli decision on prolongation of deadline for Palestinians to stop clashes with Israeli forces.

Saudi Arabia announced that they would not stop delivery of oil for western countries.

252 people died in floods in Cambodia.

North Korea celebrated 55th Anniversary since foundation of the Communist Party.

Austrian protestors blocked 3 border crossings with Czech Republic, protesting against start of functioning of a nuclear reactor, 50km from the border.

Parliamentary elections took place in Shri Lanca. Zeljka Lekic reported on current world events.


Swiss and Austrian teams of surgeons will not continue the project of free heart operations in the Clinical Centre in Sarajevo. They demanded replacement of the Head of Surgery Department, Dr. Ismet Pezo, and the request was not fulfilled. Reported by Amarildo Gutic.


The B&H Council of Ministers will discuss establishment of the State Border Commission in two weeks. The Commission’s task would be to identify and mark state borders, Vedran Persic reported.


The Tuzla Canton Assembly discussed legitimacy of the police intervention during evictions in Bare and Banovici. The Assembly concluded that the police action was in accordance with the law. The case has been submitted to the IMC. Reported by Sabina Dizdarevic.


Returnees to the village of Poljice, near Kakanj have many problems. The returnee family Stijepic lives in a very difficult conditions. Access road to their houses has been destroyed, and they do not have power supply. Reported by Branka Vrebac.


Reports on local football and international tennis were presented.