
OBN News Review, 1 October 2000



  • Members of Croat associations in Srednjo-Bosanski Canton, which were established during the war, blocked the road M-5 today
  • The Association of families of missing persons are not satisfied with the work of the International Association for missing persons
  • Yugoslavia – Slobodan Milosevic refused Russian mediation in the post-election crisis
  • Greek tourist ferryboat sunk in the Aegean Sea, one American died
  • The 27th Summer Olympic Games in Sydney ended


Members of Croat associations in Srednjo-Bosanski Canton, which were established during the war, blocked the road M-5 today, demanding arrest of criminals who committed crimes against Croats during the war. They sent a protest letter to the Head of the UN Mission in B&H, Jacques Klein. The road was de-blocked at 3 p.m. Reported by Vanja Elezovic.


Families of the missing persons expressed their dissatisfaction at the meeting of representatives of associations for searching missing persons from B&H, Croatia and Yugoslavia, which took place in Vogosca. There were no concrete results after the meeting. Reported by Slobodan Maksimovic.


Conclusion of the Peace Implementation Council session was that behaviour of B&H political leaders was irresponsible. Amarildo Gutic analysed inefficiency of the B&H Parliament.


Slobodan Milosevic refused Russian mediation in the post-election crisis in Yugoslavia. The Constitutional Court should make a decision on complaint of democratic opposition regarding the election fraud. Reported by Zeljka Lekic.


KFOR clashed with a group of Serbs in front of the “Trepca” company in Kosovo, after breaking out of a fire.

Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers continued in the West Coast and Gaza.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak called for the Palestinian leader to stop demonstrations.

One person died after sinking of a Greek ferryboat in the Aegean Sea. Other passengers were rescued successfully.

The Chinese authorities arrested several members of the prohibited sect, who peacefully protested, demanding recognition.

Local elections took place in Albania. Adis Saranovic reported on current world events.


According to a new IPTF rule, policemen who live in other people’s houses will have to move out, or they will lose their jobs. Similar rule for prosecutors and judges should be adopted soon. Reported by Muhamed Berbic.


It is still uncertain when the construction of flats would start on the land which was granted to refugees and the displaced in the area of Bijeljina. “Until now, we have not received any such requests from the Municipality. The OHR is not blocking any such project”, said the Head of the OHR in Bijeljina, Francois Peres.


Reports on the closing ceremony of the 27th Summer Olympic Games in Sydney and local football were presented.