- The Federal Government support replaced Minister Ahmed Smajic and director of the Tax Management Ramiz Djaferovic, but will respect the decision made by the High Representative
- In B&H Federation the pensions will be paid every month, if the changes of the draft of Law which Federal Government suggested are accepted today
- No way B&H will be in Europe with three armies, said Head of UN mission in B&H Jacques Paul Klain in Banja Luka
- At the University of Mostar the revision of the diplomas that were obtained in war will start soon
- Statement from NATO headquarters in Brussels – new commander in chief of SFOR troops will be Commander Michael Dotson in September
Ahmed Smajic and Ramiz Djaferovic were removed from the office in order to lower the strength of SDA before the Municipal Elections, said Dragan Covic, Vice- chairmen of HDZ and the Deputy of the Prime Minister Edhem Bicakcic.
The Prime Minister and his Deputy did not consider this replacements earlier. The question is why the Court did not do anything and why International Community did not react earlier? Minister Smajic considers this political decision. Mr Djaferovic considers that the real reason for his removing from the office was not stated in the decision of the High Representative. The report was produced by Amarildo Gutic.
The new system for retirement will be established at the request of the World Bank from September The pensions will be paid off every month onm regurarly basis. If there are not enough money for all pensions to be paid off then the pensions will be paid off from the means that are at disposal. This does not mean that the pensions will be lower. Mirna Sadikovic produced the report.
Banja Luka
Three armies will not lead B&H in Europe with three armies, said Jacques Paul Klain, Chief of the UN mission in B&H, in Banja Luka today. According to Ambassador Klain the Joint Army does not mean the revision of Dayton Peace Accord. In Banja Luka Ambassador Klain met Prime Minister Milorad Dodik, army and police officials of RS. The first policemen ( 39 non-Serbs and 23 Serbs) finished a year of training in the first multi- national police forces of RS. Reported by Tatjana Lajsic.
Banja Luka
Ambassador of the EU in B&H, Hans Kretchmer and Vice President of RS, Mirko Sarovic, talked about the acceptation of our country in the European integration. Mr Sarovic promised that RS will establish good base for the acceptation of B&H in the Council of Europe. Milorad Milojevic reported
Banja Luka
US Ambassador in B&H gave the support for rebuilding of the destroyed mosques in Banja Luka, as well as Ferhadija Mosque.The building of Mosque Ferhadija in Banja Luka will start in a month no matter of the obstructions, said Thomas Miller, US Ambassador in B&H.There are no reasons for delay.Sanja Srdic reported
At least two persons were killed and about 20 injured in a bomb explosion in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Phillipinian Ambassador is amongst the injured.
Four Dutch citizens who were arrested by Yugoslav Authorities were probably tourists that were on their vacation in Macedonia and Croatia.
General Secretary Madeline Albright invited Serbian opposition and Montenegrin parties to unite before the Elections.
The convention of the US Republican Party named the Governor of Texas, George Bush Junior for their candidate on the President Elections which will take place on November 7 2000. Zeljka Lekic produced the report on world events.
At the University of Mostar the revisions of diplomas that were obtained in war started. Ivan Pavkovic reported.
The project of Sarajevo Canton for the building of the tombstones and graveyards on 140 locations, the Government gave 1 900 000 KM. But this things were not done good, so there are a lot of damages on the tombs. Sevko Bajic produced the report.
The parents of the dead soldiers of RS who were killed from 1992. until 1995. sue the Government of RS and they ask for compensation. Reported by Vesna Mladjenovic
On the border crossing Izacic in Bihac the State border service was inaugurated today. The Chief of the mission of UN, Jacques Paul Klain, said on this occasion that this means the main step towards stopping of the trafficking and smuggling. After signing of the agreement that people from B&H can enter Croatia only with their ID, on the border crossing Doljani the situation is not so good, because the children of 16 and younger must have the escort of their parents, because their names are on their parents passports. Reported by Sinisa Jokic
The investigation on the fire that broke off yesterday in the Iranian Culture Centre in Sarajevo Street Ferhadija is ongoing. Slobodan Maksimovic produced the report
Reports on domestic football events and international tennis were presented.