15.08.2002 OHR Sarajevo 2002/245




Purpose and Scope of the Position;

Under the overall direction of the Head of the Department for Legal Affairs the Legal Officer is responsible for working as part of a small team of lawyers specializing in public law who together form the public law unit within the Legal Department of the Office of the High Representative.  Due to the fact that peace keeping issues often give rise to problems of a multi-disciplinary nature which may range over a number of areas the Legal Officer will be expected to work periodically as part of a larger Legal Department team with lawyers who formally comprise the civil and commercial or environmental units contained within the Legal Department and to work in consultation with and in liaison with other departments and regional offices of the Office of the High Representative as required and appropriate.  In general the Legal Officer will help the Legal Department play a key part in the provision of specialist legal services in all areas of law of major importance to the High Representative and the Departments of the Office of the High Representative.

Duties and Responsibilities;

·     Identify, examine, research, evaluate and report to the Head of the Legal Department on legal, and in particular constitutional, aspects of problems affecting the mandate of the High Representative in regard to the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to assist the Head of the Legal Department in performing his task of providing authoritative legal advice to the High Representative on such issues;

·     Liaise closely with the legal reform unit and all components of the Rule of Law Pillar of the Office of the High Representative to ensure that there is no duplication with the work of that unit or pillar. Maintain consultation and liaison with other departments as appropriate;

·     Take part as appropriate in all aspects of the Decision making process of the Office of the High Representative including, as required, drafting, advising, vetting and editing of the same.  Such Decisions may include those in relation to removal and suspension within the context of the General Framework Agreement and its later interpretation in Peace Implementation Council meeting conclusions;

·     Carry out research and drafting in regard to Legal Opinions issued by the Legal Department of the Office of the High Representative;

·     Carry out research and drafting in regard to comments on behalf of the Office of the High Representative prepared for court hearings including hearings of the Human Rights Chamber and of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning cases in which the Office of the High Representative has an interest and desires to make such comments or become involved as amices or otherwise at such hearings;

·     Participate as required in the work of the inter Entity/COM/Brcko legal expert contact group and in the Task Force for implementation of constitutional amendments;

·     Maintain contact with appropriate officials of State and Entity including those forming part of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government with regard to matters within the responsibility of the Legal Department of the Office of the High Representative.  Pursue as required specific undertakings such as consideration of the merger of the Human Rights Chamber with the Constitutional Court.  Likewise co-ordinate with international organizations including the Council of Europe on such matters.

Professional Requirements / Qualifications;

·        University degree in Law;

·        Minimum of 5 years of professional experience;

·        Ability to work as part of a team and to work under pressure;

·        Good command of oral and written English is essential;

·        Excellent oral and written communications skills; strategic and creative abilities;

·        In-depth knowledge of the legal and political systems of the State and its   subdivisions;

·        Knowledge of the B&H Constitution, Dayton Peace Agreement and its Annexes.

Any personnel with the above qualifications should provide (in English) a CV with a one-page cover letter and references to the following:

Personnel Department

OHR Sarajevo

Emerika Bluma 1, 71000 Sarajevo

Fax: +387 (0) 33 283 771                   E-mail: application@ohr.int

Please quote Reference No. 2002/245

Closing date for applications: August 22, 2002

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

    No telephone inquiries please