
Decision preventing Mijo Tokic from holding any executive position in Canton 10 or any other office


Mr. Mijo Tokic, Chairman of the Assembly, Canton 10

cc. Mr. Mirko Bakovic, Governor, Canton 10
Mr. Ante Omazic, HDZ


Attached for your immediate attention is a general letter regarding persons who are barred from office. Please refer to the letter for details. This will be of interest to you as we understand that you are preparing the first session of the Cantonal Assembly.

We have received reports that Mr. Mijo Tokic may be a candidate for an executive position in the Canton, or a nominee to the House of Peoples. Please note that, having been sanctioned by the EASC, Mr. Tokic is ineligible under the terms of this letter.


Carlos WestendorpRobert L. Barry
High RepresentativeChairman of the PEC
 OSCE Head of Mission

Office of the High Representative