
Izjava OHR-a na konferenciji za medije međunarodnih organizacija

Viši zamjenik Viskog predstavnika Donald Hayes uzeti će učešća na okruglom stolu o privatizaciji gdje će govoriti o hitnoj potrebi vlada da olakšaju te ubrzaju proces privatizacije i to zato što je:

dosadašnji process je bio prespor , obeshrabrivao je investitore te je rezultirao lošim rješenjima za radnike.
potreba politička [...]

Izjava OHR-a na konferenciji za medije međunarodnih organizacija

Visoki predstavnik Paddy Ashdown govorit će pred oba Doma parlamenta Bosne i Hercegovine sutra u 10:00.
On će navesti ključne izazove s kojima će se suočiti BiH tokom jeseni, a naročito vezanim za bitne reforme u oblasti carina, PDV-a, odbrane i obavještajne službe. On će reći da budućnost BiH u Evropi i članstvo u NATO programu “Partnerstv [...]

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

Events over the last 48 hours starkly underline the urgent necessity of reforming the Intelligence Sector in this country.
Regarding the events themselves, any allegations of criminal activity are a matter for the Prosecutor to consider. The way in which information leaked to media is a matter for the Federation government to investigate, a [...]

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

The High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, on 15 May, enacted the Law on Construction Land. The law ensures that all future transfers of land under the domestic legal process will be non-discriminatory, and will provide a framework for resolving disputed land allocations made after the start of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 6 April 1992. I shou [...]

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

Letter To The Editor, Slobodna Bosna
I am writing to you following the disgraceful and unfounded attack on the integrity of a senior Russian diplomat working on secondment in the OHR ("Slobodna Bosna" br. 353, 21 August 2003). The OHR categorically rejects these allegations as unsubstantiated and untrue...

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

We would like to use this opportunity to remind the HDZBIH and the Education Ministers in CBC and HNC that the deadline for the rationalization of school administrations to end costly duplication and free up money for teachers and children expires tomorrow. We were encouraged by the statement made by HDZBIH President Barisda Colak in Vitez on this [...]

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

Federation Prime Minister Ahmet Hadzipasic, RS Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic and Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays will visit Zenica, Tuzla and Bijelina tomorrow. They will tour Metalno Company in Zenica and Sava Company in Bijelina and meet managers and workers. At both companies they will be briefed on the practical impact of pri [...]

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

Chairman of the Council of Ministers Adnan Terzic and Principal Deputy High Representative Donald Hays are in Central Bosnia Canton where they’ll visit a timber factory and take part in a roundtable discussion that will bring together representatives of the CBC business community and politicians from the cantonal, Federation and State government. [...]

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

The draft Law on the Indirect Taxation System in Bosnia and Herzegovina was forwarded by the High Representative, Paddy Ashdown, to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Adnan Terzic, on Friday.
This Law is the product of intensive negotiation and consensus-building in the Indirect Tax Policy Commission over a period of four months, amon [...]

OHR’s Statement at the International Agency’s Joint Press Conference

Integration of education system is a key requirement for reconciliation and peace implementation in BiH. The decision to integrate the administration of still divided schools, known as two schools under one roof, by 1 September has the united support of the international community, and has also been agreed by the BiH authorities in the Education ta [...]