
OHR Statement by the High Representative, Carl Bildt on municipal elections

STATEMENT BY CARL BILDT, HIGH REPRESENTATIVE Sarajevo, 27 August 1996 The Provisional Election Commission has today decided that it does not consider it feasible to hold municipal elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina on September 14. At the same time, it has reaffirmed its commitment to the holding of the national, entity and cantonal elections on S [...]

Press Statement on Brcko

In the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federation and the Republika Srpska agreed to binding arbitration of the disputed portion of the Inter-Entity Boundary Line in the Brcko area. In accordance with the General Framework Agreement, the Federation appointed Professor Sadikovic and the Republika Srpska appointed [...]

Statement by the High Representative welcoming the decision by OSCE Chairman-in-Office to certify national elections in BiH on September 14

STATEMENT by the High Representative, Carl Bildt Sarajevo, 25 June 1996 I warmly welcome the decision by OSCE Chairman-in-Office Mr. Flavio Cotti to certify national elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina on September 14. Elections will pave the way for setting up the common institutions of the country forseen in the Peace Agreement, thus making it po [...]

Statement by the High Representative, Carl Bildt

For the second week in a row, Republika Srpska Prime Minister Gojko Klickovic failed to turn up at the meeting of the Joint Interim Commission this afternoon. This was in spite of explicit undertakings to come and in spite of the time and place of the meeting being agreed.

Human Rights and the Bosnian Peace Agreement

Carl Bildt, the High Representative responsible for civilian implementation of the Bosnian Peace Agreement, told the Peace Implementation Conference in Florence today (13 June) that the Bosnian Parties must take immediate steps to address human rights shortcomings in all parts of the country. Introducing a report on human rights prepared by the Off [...]

Statement by the High Representative on Admiral Smith

Statement by the High Representative, Mr. Carl Bildt June 6, 1996 I very much regret that Admiral Smith is leaving his position. We have had excellent cooperation throughout a difficult but successful period and the support he has been giving to our efforts has been crucial. Office of the High

Statement by the High Representative

STATEMENT BY CARL BILDT, HIGH REPRESENTATIVE Sarajevo, 30 May 1996 I have been informed by the authorities of Republika Srpska that, on the basis of Paragraph 2 of Article 80 of the Constitution of the RS, Vice-President Prof. Dr. Biljana Plavsic has from 20 May been entrusted with performing tasks of the President of the RS in the domain of intern [...]

Statement by Ambassador Michael Steiner on Integration of Ilidza into Sarajevo

Today we witness an important step toward the future of Sarajevo as an integrated city that can serve as the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. By integrating Bosniaks, Croats, and Serbs in its Interim Council, Ilidza has made a strong move to counter the forces of division in Bosnia. We are now a step closer to realising the goal of the Rome State [...]