30.06.1996 OHR Sarajevo

Statement by the High Representative, Carl Bildt on replacing Mr. Karadzic




Sarajevo, 30 June 1996

An official document of Republika Srpska under which Mr. Karadzic is replaced as functioning President by Ms. Biljana Plavsic has been handed to me. The document is signed and sealed by Mr. Karadzic. It takes legal effect from today. There are no conditions of any sort associated with his replacement.

With the strong support of the international community I have been demanding that Mr. Karadzic hand over all his remaining public positions and powers to other persons, thus leaving public office in accordance with the provisions of the Peace Agreement. This will take place in accordance with the relevant section of the RS Constitution.

Paragraph 3 of Amendment XL of the Constitution of Republika Srpska provides for the complete and immediate transfer of all functions of the President to one of the Vice-Presidents in the event of what is termed as temporary inability to fulfil his functions. This is the section of the Constitution which provides for replacement of the President and which thay have previously so obstinately refused.

As from today Mr. Karadzic cannot exercise any public functions of the President in Republika Srpska. It is immediately illegal for any public official or institution to accept decisions by or instructions form Mr. Karadzic or persons acting on his behalf.

In accordance with Peace Agreement, Mr. Karadzic along with other persons indicted by the International Tribunal cannot stand for elections.

His replacement today is an important step towards the cleansing of Republika Srpska from association with the crimes for which Mr. Karadzic and others have been indicted by the International Tribunal. But it is by no means the final step. All States and Entities have an obligation under the Peace Agreement to co-operate fully with the International Tribunal by taking action to arrest indicted persons.

Mr. Karadzic will no doubt continue to try to exercise influence in different ways. He will continue to fight his losing battle. But any form of assistance to his continued activities, whatever thay might be, by public bodies of the Republika Srpska, will immediately call into question its adherence to the terms of the Peace Agreement.

I will closely monitor developments in these respects, take appropriate action myself and recommend as necessary further measures to the international community in accordance with what was decided at the Lyon Summit.

As was stated by the Lyon Summit, a “new leadership of Republika Srpska should demonstrate their willingness to co-operate with the international community in implementing the Peace Agreement”. It is my sincere hope that they will do so, thus themselves guaranteeing the best possible conditions for the future peaceful development of the Entity of Republika Srpska.