08.08.1996 OHR Sarajevo

Press Statement on Brcko


In the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federation and the Republika Srpska agreed to binding arbitration of the disputed portion of the Inter-Entity Boundary Line in the Brcko area. In accordance with the General Framework Agreement, the Federation appointed Professor Sadikovic and the Republika Srpska appointed Dr. Popovic as arbitrators. Roberts Owen was appointed by the President of the International Court of Justice as third arbitrator and will serve as the presiding arbitrator of the Brcko Arbitration Tribunal. The Tribunal’s work will be based upon the provisions of Annex 2, Article V of the General Framework Agreement.

On Wednesday, 7 August, the Arbitration Tribunal undertook an orientation tour in the Brcko area and held its first organisational and scheduling meeting. Dr. Popovic, the Arbitrator named by the Republika Srpska, declined to attend, asserting that an additional technical step was necessary before the first meeting.

As is usually the case in international arbitrations, all of the arbitral proceedings have been and will be conducted in camera, and the discussions during such proceedings will not be publicly disclosed. As the Tribunal’s proceedings continue, the Office of the High Representative will make such announcements on behalf of the Tribunal as may be appropriate.