Поднесци Amicus Curiae
Opinion in writing made by the OHR Legal Department concerning the request of the applicants in Case No. U-9/09
On 16 September 2009 the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina received an application of the Caucus of Croat people in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina for review of constitutionality of Articles 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5, 19.6, and 19.7 of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina and parag [...]
Written observations made by the OHR concerning the request of the applicant in Case No. U-16/08
On 24th October 2008 the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina received a request of Mr. Milorad Živković, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, for review of constitutionality of Article 13 of the Law on Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The application is numbered as U-16/0 [...]
Written Observations made by the Legal Department of the Office of the High Representative concerning the request of the applicants in Case No. U-11/08
On 4th June 2008 the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: Constitutional Court) received a request from a group representatives of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina to review of constitutionality of the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzego [...]
Written observations on behalf of the High Representative concerning the Case no. U-31/06
On 17 November 2006, OHR was invited by the FBiH Constitutional Court to participate as a party to the proceedings in its case No U-31/06 initiated before the FBiH Constitutional Court by Mr. Miroslav Coric, President of the Government of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, in order to assess the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Statute o [...]
Comments made by the OHR Legal Department concerning Case number U-6/06, constitutionality of certain provisions of the Law on Salaries and Other Compensations in Judicial and Prosecutorial Institutions at the level of BiH
On 8 May 2006, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina invited the Office of the High Representative (hereinafter “OHR”) to participate as a party to the proceedings in its Case U-6/06.
Amicus Curiae submission in the matter of CH/03/15129, et al. v. FBiH
The question whether the State, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: Federation), Republika Srpska (hereinafter: RS), and Brcko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: Brcko District) are jointly or severally responsible for claims arising from so-called “War Damages” appears to turn on an analysis of the legislative bas [...]
Amicus curiae submission in the matter of CH/99/2984, et al. v. BiH and FBiH
Article III (1) d. of the BiH Constitution provides that the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be responsible for, inter alia, “monetary policy” and obliges the State of BiH, under Article II 1, to “…ensure the highest level of internationally recognized rights and fundamental freedoms”, including “the right to property” as specified by [...]
Comments and preliminary observations the OHR concerning Case number CH/O314958, Nikola Grabovac v. BiH and FBiH
On 6 October 2002, the High Representative enacted a package of immunity legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the Law on Immunity of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, (“the Law on Immunity”), consequently adopted by the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of F BiH 19/03). The enactment of th [...]
Written observations of the OHR Legal Department concerning the request of the applicant in Case No. CH/03/12932
On 3 December 2003, the Plenary Chamber of the Human Rights Chamber for BiH rendered a decision in the case of Dzaferovic v FBiH whereby it declared admissible the application of a police officer alleging violations of his rights under the ECHR relating to his dismissal by his employer pursuant to a decision from the UN/IPTF and retained the applic [...]
Comments and preliminary observations made by the OHR concerning Case number U-24/02
In the fall of 2002, the Office of the High Representative (“OHR”) convened a Round Table of experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina (“BiH”), including lawyers, academics, prosecutors and judges, in order to develop strategies for the reform of immunity legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.