Interview: Christian Schwarz-Schilling, the High Representative for BiH: “Dodik Accepted Police Reform a Long Time Ago”
This week the High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling sent a clear and unmistakeable message to politicians from Republika Srpska that he would not tolerate obstructions in the reform process, and that such a situation may effect the final decision on the closure of OHR to be made by the Peace Implementation Council in February. Despite the [...]
Интервју: Кристијан Шварц-Шилинг, високи представник за БиХ: “Не треба нам међународна конференција о будућности БиХ”
Високи представник Кристијан Шварц-Шилинг (Christian Schwarz-Schilling) не подржав
Interview: Christian Schwarz-Schilling, High Representative for BiH
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has made an important contribution to the Constitutional reform discussion that is going on in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the moment and it underlines that this issue must be addressed as a top priority after the elections. But what is clear is that Constitutional Reform in BiH will require broad s [...]
Interview: Christian Schwarz-Schilling, High Representative for BiH
The formation of the Commission became a big political issue. This is a shame because the real issue at stake is the truth about the fate of those who went missing during the BiH War. I’m sure that the victims’ families and friends would rather have this knowledge than see a thousand Commissions formed. And I hope that this Commission will make a d [...]
Високи представник за БиХ, Кристијан Шварц-Шилинг: “Дејтон чува границе”
Република Српска није ни Косово, ни Црна Гора. Референдум у Црној Гори био је посебан сl
Interview: Christian Schwarz-Schilling, High Representative for BiH: “Complete package of constitutional amendments after elections”
Christian Schwarz-Schilling, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, yesterday paid his first official visit to Zagreb since becoming the head of the OHR. He met Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, Parliament Speaker Vladimir Šeks and the Ministers of Maritime Affairs, Tourism, Traffic and Communications and Science, Education and Sports, [...]
Интервју: Кристијан Шварц-Шилинг, високи представник за БиХ: “Санадер може помоћи у рјешавању одређених проблема у БиХ”
Високи представник Кристијан Шварц-Шилинг данас путује у Загреб, гдје ће се сусрести &
Interview: The High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling: “Possible Suspension of Negotiations with the EU”
Failure to adopt the amendments to the BiH Constitution and problems in police reform are sending a very negative message to the European Union, the High Representative, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, warned.
Интервју: Високи представник за БиХ, Кристијан Шварц-Шилинг боравио у Њујорку:”Нужно је усвојити уставне промјене”
Високи представник Кристијан Шварц-Шилинг (Цхристиан Сцхњарз-Сцхиллинг) вјерује да
Interview: Christian Schwarz-Schilling, High Representative of the International Community in BiH: “OHR will have an important role in constitutional change”
The High Representative Christian Schwarz-Schilling travels to the USA next week, where he is going to meet with representatives of the American administration and international financial organizations, as well as with the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan and report to the UN Security Council. We talked to the German diplomat before his departure t [...]