
OHR’s Statement the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

Many of you may have questions relating to the IC/OHR view of the meeting that took place in Srebrenica yesterday and the conclusions that there adopted by the participants. What I can tell you at this time is that the OHR has received the conclusions and that the HR will be discussing them with senior representatives of the international commun [...]

Transkript sa konferencije za medije međunarodnih organizacija

Ured visokog predstavnika međunarodne zajednice i specijalnog predstavnika Evropske unije u BiH (OHR/EUSR) će prisustvovati neformalnim razgovorima o reformi policije koji se danas, na zahtjev bh. političkih stranaka, održavaju u rezidenciji ambasadora Njemačke u Sarajevu. OHR/EUSR pozdravlja činjenicu da su lideri pokaz [...]