
OHR’s Statement the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

Many of you may have questions relating to the IC/OHR view of the meeting that took place in Srebrenica yesterday and the conclusions that there adopted by the participants.

What I can tell you at this time is that the OHR has received the conclusions and that the HR will be discussing them with senior representatives of the internat [...]

Transkript sa konferencije za medije međunarodnih organizacija

Ured visokog predstavnika međunarodne zajednice i specijalnog predstavnika Evropske unije u BiH (OHR/EUSR) će prisustvovati neformalnim razgovorima o reformi policije koji se danas, na zahtjev bh. političkih stranaka, održavaju u rezidenciji ambasadora Njemačke u Sarajevu.

OHR/EUSR pozdravlja činjenicu da su [...]

Transcript of the International Agencies’ Joint Press Conference

OHR/EUSR will be attending the informal talks on police reform, which are being held today at the request of the BiH political parties at the residence of the German Ambassador in Sarajevo.

OHR/EUSR welcomes the interest of leaders to continue talks and we stand ready to assist. However, the international community is also looking fo [...]