07.12.2007 PIC SB Ambassadors

PIC Steering Board Ambassadors’ Statement on Initialling of the SAA


At its meeting today in Sarajevo, the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council at Ambassador level welcomed the initialling of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.

The 4 December initialling by Commissioner Rehn and Prime Minister Spiric is an important step forward. It provides an opportunity to accelerate progress in the Stabilisation and Association process.

The Steering Board Ambassadors welcome the spirit of compromise and unity demonstrated by Bosnia and Herzegovina’s political leaders.

The Steering Board Ambassadors also welcome the reconfirmation of commitment to BiH displayed by the European Union and specifically the personal engagement of Commissioner Rehn and Secretary General/High Representative Solana.

The Steering Board Ambassadors express their particular gratitude to the High Representative/EU Special Representative Lajcak for his guidance and perseverance in helping BiH political leaders to fulfil the conditions for initialling.

The Steering Board Ambassadors are confident that the BiH institutions will pursue this positive agenda and fulfil the conditions for signing the SAA as soon as possible.