RT RS News Headlines:
- Son of folk singer Lepa Brena and Slobodan Zivojinovic kidnapped in Belgrade; Kidnapers demand ransom of DM 2.5 million
- SPS holds party convention in Belgrade; newly re-elected SPS President Slobodan Milosevic says members of incumbent Yugoslav authority are western spies and traitors
- BiH Presidency Chairman Zivko Radisic holds press conference in Sarajevo on Saturday on Zagreb EU-Balkans Summit held in Zagreb on Friday; he says summit sent strong message of peace, tolerance and co-operation throughout Balkan region
- Croatian President Stjepan Mesic says protest leaders, whose who organised protests on 24 November against Zagreb Summit and Kostunica’s participation in summit, are petty con artists
- Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica says he did not apologise to Croatia for war at Zagreb EU Summit 2000 because unilateral apology would not mean too much
- Dutch Prime Minister Wim Kok [sic] meets with BiH Presidency members; he says co-operation among countries of region is absolutely necessary
- Eleven former RS delegates in BiH House of Representatives send message for newly elected delegates to use BiH Constitution and Dayton Peace Agreement as compass for their future work in this institution
- RS Prime Minister Dodik opens new road running through Brezicani village, Celinac Municipality
- Kostunica and EC Chairman Romano Prodi sign general framework agreement between EC and Yugoslavia
- Yugoslavia joins membership of Central European Initiative (CEI) – Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban at CEI Summit in Budapest on Saturday
- Kostunica invites DSK President Ibrahim Rugova to hold talks on situation in Kosovo
- Several hundred Serbs protest in Bujanovac demanding weapons to defend themselves from ‘Albanian terrorists’
- Self-styled Kosovo Albanian Liberation Army of Medvedja, Bujanovac and Presevo announces 48-hour truce
- Serbian Interior Ministry did not and will not hold negotiations with Albanian terrorists – Serbian Interior Co-minister Bozo Prelevic
- ‘Albanian extremists’ hand-over bodies of three Serbian police officers to KFOR
- Serbian Interior Ministry receives bodies of three of its officers in Medari village
- World news
- Three masked, unidentified persons rob Janja company in Prijedor and get away with KM 45,000
- Reduction of arms and number of professional soldiers in armies of BiH entities takes place: RS Army reduces manpower from 14,000 to 12,000 in 1999 and will in 2000 downsize from 12,000 to 10,500 soldiers – RS Army Colonel Bosko Gvozden
- World news
- Sports and weather