
OBN News Review, 20 May 2000



  • There are three new candidates for the Chairman of the Council of Ministers
  • The Serbian opposition cannot agree on their joint visit to Moscow
  • About 100 Palestinian protestors have been injured during the clashes with Israeli soldiers at the West Coast
  • Collection of certificates and cash in the Federation privatisation funds started

Banja Luka

At today’s consultations of the Presidency member, Zivko Radisic and parliamentary parties, 3 candidates were proposed. Radisic said that they all agreed that the new candidate has to be a Serb. The Prime Minister Dodik feels that a compromise can be made. Radisic didn’t want to reveal the identity of the candidates.


The new Head of the Ilidza Municipality has been appointed. It is Husein Mahmutovic, the SDA candidate. “Stranka za B&H” decided to withdraw their candidate. The new Chairman of the Municipal Council should have been appointed today as well, but the appointment has been postponed. Reported by Slobodan Maksimovic.


The opposition leaders in Serbia, Vuk Draskovic, Zoran Dindic and Vojislav Kostunica have been invited to visit Moscow by the end of next week. Zoran Dindic and Vojislav Kostunica said that they would like to see the official invitation first, because they are not sure about the character of the visit. Protests because of the take-over of the “Studio B” by the Government continued. Reported by Danica Ilic from Belgrade.


24 people died, and 14 are missing after collision of two boats on the Black Sea, near the Turkish coast. Reported by Jusko Bojadzic.


About 100 protestors were injured in clashes with the Israeli Army at the West Coast. Palestinian protestors demand the release of all Palestinians from Israeli prisons.

The new Taiwan President was inaugurated today. He said that his country would not officially separate from China, unless Beijing attacks them.

Thousands of refugees escaped from Eritrea to Sudan.

Fights in north Shri Lanca started again. According to the Government sources, 9 soldiers were killed, and 19 were injured.

OBN journalist, Adis Saranovic, produced the piece on current events in the world.


The privatisation investment fund “Bonus” started collecting certificates and cash from citizens. At least 8 investment funds should be founded before the beginning of mass privatisation. The Federation Prime Minister, Edhem Bicakcic, invested his certificates in this fund. He said that he expects the chosen fund to deal with his money successfully. The report was produced by Amarildo Gutic.


Representatives of international financial institutions demand that employees in B&H banking agencies would be protected by a “limited immunity”. Without legal protection, banking auditors in B&H are exposed to threats and intimidation. Representatives of the international community feel that this can prevent auditors from being honest and objective in their future work. Reported by Sanjin Beciragic.


About 80% of houses in Pijesci, near Mostar have been reconstructed. Bosniac and Serb returnees work together in order to provide conditions for normal living. UNHCR representatives and the city officials visited Pijesci today.


Reports on the International Chess Tournament “Sarajevo 2000” and local fieldball were presented.