Састанци о Федерацији БиХ
Statement – Sarajevo, 26/05/97
1997 The Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina has held today its 18th session in the premises of the Electrical Engineering Faculty in Lukavica. The Presidency discussed the open issues on the Law on the Central Bank, proposal for the budget of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as a preparation for the meeting of the Steering Board for implementation [...]
Fed.Forum: Chairman’s Conclusions, 14 April 1997
14 April 1997 FEDERATION FORUM Chairmen's Conclusions Sarajevo, 14 April 1997 On 14 April, Bosniak and Croat representatives of the Federation and others met at a session of the Federation Forum. The meeting was chaired by Ambassador John. C. Kornblum, U.S Assistant Secretary of State, and Ambassador Michael Steiner, Principal Deputy High Represent [...]
Statement – Sarajevo, 08/04/97
1997 The Presidency held its 17th session in the rooms of the School for Electrical Engineering in Lukavica, on April 08, 1997. The Presidency accepted the report on work of the Papal Visit State Board, submitted by the Board President Neven Tomic. The Presidency discussed the open issues of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Statute of the City of Sarajevo, 27 March 1997
1997 Draft Statute of the City of Sarajevo Sarajevo, 27 March 1997 CHAPTER I : COMMON PROVISIONS Article 1 Principles This Statute regulates the right and obligation to decide on the interests and needs of citizens of the City of Sarajevo and the City-Municipalities, the reflection of the multi-ethnic structure of Sarajevo within the bodies of the [...]
Amendment to Constitution of Sarajevo, 27 March 1997
1997 Draft Amendment to Constitution of Sarajevo Sarajevo, 27 March 1997 AMENDMENT I After Article 4., a new Article 4a. is inserted, reading as follows: " In the Sarajevo Canton, the municipalities Centar, Novi Grad, Novo Sarajevo and Stari Grad shall form the City of Sarajevo (hereafter: the City) as a unit of local self-government.
Amendment to the Federation Constitution, 27 March 1997
1997 Draft Amendment to the Federation Constitution Sarajevo, 27 March 1997 AMENDMENT XXV After Chapter VI.A "City Authorities", a new Chapter VI.B "Organisation of Sarajevo" shall be inserted, reading as follows: "The City of Sarajevo shall be formed as a unit of local self-government in the Sarajevo Canton.
Side Agreement on the Implementation of Sarajevo Protocol, 27 March 1997
1997 Side Agreement on the Implementation of Sarajevo Protocol Sarajevo, 27 March 1997 The composition of the City Council and the distribution of the delegates from the four municipalities until the next municipal elections shall be as outlined in the two Annexes. The parties shall submit names of their nominated delegates including nationality a [...]
Meeting of the Commission for implementation of the Sarajevo Protocol, 27 March 1997
1997 Meeting of the Commission for implementation of the Sarajevo Protocol Sarajevo, 27 March 1997 The Commission for the Implementation of the Sarajevo Protocol has concluded its work successfully, and agreed on the enclosed texts of (1) draft Amendment to the Constitution of the Federation, (2) draft Amendment to the Constitution of Sarajevo Cant [...]
Statement – Sarajevo, 10/03/97
10/03/97 Statement of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo, 10 March 1997 The Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its sixteenth session in the State Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo on 10 March 1997. The Presidency considered the issue of the establishment of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina and decided to i [...]
Statement – Sarajevo, 25/02/97
1997 The Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its fifteenth session at the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo on February 25, 1997. The Presidency has decided to accept accreditation for the Ambassadors of Denmark, South Africa and Iceland to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Presidency has formed the Organization Board for the Vi [...]