
OHR SRT News Summary, 7 March 1999



  • RS NA special session on current political situation
  • Numerous appeals directed to the deputies to show unity
  • RS deputies’ mandates in the BiH Parliament frozen
  • Two police officers killed in Kosovo

RS NA session was opened by the RS NA Speaker, Petar Djokic who emphasised that the RS is facing great challenge and that the destiny of the RS depends on the work of RS NA deputies and conclusions adopted. “There is no dilemma that the main arbiter, Mr. Owen, with his decision, adopted the demands, ensured the interests, and accepted the proposal in full of one side, the Bosniak-Croat side, with a district which does not exist in Dayton as a principle to establish relations in BiH.”- Djokic said. “It is a great question if the RS exists today, if it is territorially divided, if one part of its territory has been taken away which belongs to it according to Dayton. We cannot accept the use of force, whether it is preventive or something else, which has been displayed by SFOR almost in every town of the RS and especially in Brcko.” There is just one item on the agenda with three sub points: discussion on Brcko decision, discussion on dismissal of the RS President and position of the RS NA regarding election of the new Government. Milorad Dodik recommended to the NA not to accept the Brcko decision and to start the initiative to revise this decision. Explaining why the RS Government has resigned Dodik said it was an act of moral responsibility. “We, as the Assembly, have to ask the High Representative to use his rights to suspend something that is against Dayton, or at least postpone it.”- Dodik said and continued- “It is necessary to address this matter before the BiH Constitutional Court. We have to form a political-expert group which would try to talk with the arbiter and point out the inadmissible facts that were stated in the decision.” RS arbiter in the Brcko arbitration, Vitomir Popovic explained the significance of this decision for Brcko, the course of the arbitration, and about fulfilment of the conditions necessary to reach the decision by the RS and Federation. “We can draw a conclusion that the decision had been reached much earlier.”- Popovic said. RS legal representative in the arbitration, Radomir Lukic also spoke before the Assembly. Brcko Mayor, Borko Reljic stated the disappointment of Brcko people with the decision. After two hours’ break the RS Vice President, Mirko Sarovic spoke before the Assembly emphasising that the RS delegation in Vienna had been united while “the delegation of the other side did not have a unified position on this matter”. “I want to say that I would support every decision made by the Assembly which would display our national unity.”- Sarovic said.

Mirko Banjac and Branko Dokic, SDS and SNSD deputies in the House of Representatives stated that they would not depart to Strasbourg to the Council of Europe Parliament session because of the situation in the RS. They also stated that the RS caucus in the House of Representatives had frozen its status in this body. All 11 Serb deputies accepted this position and it is not related to 3 deputies from the Coalition for Single and Democratic BiH.

The RS President, Nikola Poplasen stated in Banja Luka that the Serb people needed unity. He considered that U.S. administration contributed to the Brcko decision as it is now. Replying to a journalist’s question asking who was behind this decision, Poplasen said that independent intellectuals and politicians are convinced this is the work of Robert Gelbard adding that Bosniaks and Croats think so too.- SRNA reports.

Banja Luka municipal assembly held a session regarding the current political situation in the RS. Town assembly considers that: it is necessary to form an RS Government which would preserve national unity foreseen in the RS Constitution, the final decision contravenes Article 5 of Annex II of the GFPA and BiH Constitution which is unacceptable. It is concluded that the High Representative’s decision on the dismissal of the RS President contravenes the RS Constitution and election rights and results verified by the international community and the RS Assembly should not accept it as such.

Municipal Assembly of Prijedor asked the RS NA not to accept the final Brcko decision and the High Representative decision on dismissal of Nikola Poplasen.

Municipal Assembly of Srbinje asked the RS NA to declare the High Representative, Carlos Westendorp and Special Envoy for the Balkans, Robert Gelbard as personas non grata in the RS.

Municipal Assembly of Samac stated its dissatisfaction with the Brcko decision emphasising that this decision is not in line with Annex II of the GFPA.

Mixed expert commission for the identification of BiH border respects the position of the RS NA on freezing the activities of the RS representatives in common BiH institutions.

Deputies of the Coalition for the Single and Democratic BiH in the RS NA stated that the RS authorities have obligated themselves to sign the Dayton Agreement which implies acceptance and implementation of the Brcko decision.

Head of Zvornik Public Security Centre, M. Djuric stated that the situation in the town is quiet and that 20 people, who took part in the demonstrations, have been arrested.

Jovan Mitrovic, RS NA Deputy Speaker and SNS deputy, denied BETA information that SNS deputies from the Eastern part of the RS asked Biljana Plavsic to resign.

SDS Presidency asks that RS NA initiate proceedings before the Court of Justice in The Hague and other international competent legal and political institutions regarding the unfair and anti-Dayton Brcko decision. SDS Presidency asks for an immediate session of the PIC as well as of the Contact Group which should suspend the Brcko decision. We ask to refuse the unconstitutional and illegal decision of the High Representative, Carlos Westendorp to dismiss the RS president, Nikola Poplasen.

RS Chief of the General Staff, Momir Talic talked with the Head of SFOR troops in BiH, Montgomery Meigs. There were no press statements after the meeting.

Peaceful demonstrations have been held in Brcko and Doboj.

Russia has asked for an immediate session of the PIC Steering Board for objective and detailed assessment of political and legal validity of the High Representative to dismiss the RS President.

SRT broadcast entire Carlos Westendorp statement given to the SRT reporter regarding Brcko decision. SRT denied the allegations of RS arbiter Vitomir Popovic stated at the RS NA session that SRT did not enable him and Radomir Lukic to explain to the public what was in the Brcko decision.

Municipal Assembly of Lopare strongly condemned the killing of Krsto Micic. The statement denies that shots were fired in self-defence, since the citizens present had no arms.

Kosovo related issues:

  • Working meeting between the Russian and FRY MoDs was held in Moscow yesterday
  • Two police officers were killed and one was wounded in Pristina suburbs in attempt to arrest the Aslami brothers who are multiple criminals.
  • International monitors are still negotiating with KLA on the release of kidnapped soldier, Miljan Mitrovic
  • German Minister of Foreign Affairs, J. Fischer and EU Commissioner for foreign affairs, H. van den Broek will talk tomorrow with the FRY President Milosevic, opposition representatives in Belgrade and with Albanian leaders in Pristina.- BETA reports.