
OHR SRT News Summary, 23 June 1998



  • RS Government adopts amendments to the Privatisation Law
  • President Plavsic receives Russian Ambassador, Philip Sidorski
  • While Milosevic and Pansiyevsky are talking about a diplomatic solution, more news about terrorist action in Kosovo
  • Momcilo Krajisnik is SDS candidate for BH Presidency member and Mirko Sarovic for the RS Vice- President

The RS Government at today’s 19th regular session concentrates on the forthcoming privatisation process in the RS. According to Borislav Obradovic, Director of the Directorate for Privatisation, it is planned to privatise 85% of public property, out of which 55% will be through vouchers. The Government discussed and adopted most of amendments to the Privatisation Law and bills on Privatisation and Investment Funds and Securities. The second part of the session, with personnel issues and AOB on the agenda, took place in secret.

RS President Biljana Plavsic talked with the Russian Ambassador in Sarajevo, Philip Sidorski,. Ambassador Sidorski met with RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik prior to the meeting with the RS President. The Russian Ambassador repeated the invitation of the Russian Foreign Affairs Minister to the RS President to visit Russia in the first half of September, which was accepted.

At tomorrow’s continuance of the 6th RS NA session in Banja Luka, scheduled for 10:00, councillors will discuss a number of bills on the judiciary and finance, as well as the set of laws on privatisation in the RS, which should be adopted in an urgent procedure.

The RS Minister for Refugees and DP’s, Miladin Dragicevic, and the Head of the Refugees and DP’s office in the Croatian Government signed the Protocol on procedures for organised refugee return today in Banja Luka.

Today’s meeting between the RS Deputy PM, Ostoja Kremenovic, and Swiss Ambassador in B&H, Wilhelm Schmidt, confirmed aspirations that successful co-operation between the RS and Switzerland would be confirmed with the realisation of joint projects.

The SDS candidate for the B&H Presidency member is Momcilo Krajisnik, who currently already holds this position, it was decided late yesterday evening at the Party’s Main Board in Pale. Along with the candidate for the RS President, Nikola Poplasen, who was nominated by coalition partner SRS, the Main Board nominated Mirko Sarovic, S.Sarajevo Mayor, for the RS Vice-President. The Bearer of the election list for the RS NA is Dragan Cavic and for the B&H House of the Representatives is Radomir Lukic. The SDS Main board confirmed the coalition with the SRS and agreed for the SDS to make an alliance with four Banja Luka parties, SSKP, NSRS, SPAS, and DPS.